Escape Rooms Incorrect Quotes

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PC enters their room, tired from doing a Minigame gauntlet, but when the enter, they find a literal army of PC Dolls.

PC Dolls: We have come for your annoyance.
Psy: Normally, I don't use any sort of alarm to wake myself up. I just have Jamie send a bunch of angry texts saying "we need to talk." And that gives me the energy I need to wake up.
Aria: Sorry I'm late. I was doing something.

PC bursts in.

PC: She pushed me down the ******* stairs!!
Inspired by Aesthethic_Cherry
PC, about Ruby: And that art was incredibly chaotic. All over that room.
Char: I guess you liked it?
PC: I used "Chaotic" instead of "Beautiful" for a reason.
Seb, elbowing PC's knee: But "Beautiful" still applies to this person, eh, PC?
PC: Shut the **** up, Seb.
Cherry, Aria, PC, and Seb are playing Scrabble.

Cherry: I'll put down... Sesquipedalian.
Aria: I put Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Seb: I've got Kwyjibo.
PC: What the hell is a Kwyjibo?
Seb: An easily angered, parasitic Slimeball.
PC's parasite: HEY!

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