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the confusion of the crowd began to rise as they questioned lyney and the magic show. that was until neuvillette's suddenly loud and authoritive voice rung throught the opera epiclese. "this performance is over!" he continued on, appointing medical staff to join him and for gardes to round up everyone from the staff and to block all exists.
"no one is allowed to leave nor enter at this time." "yes, that's right! if this was just an accident, then we must investigate the cause." furina's voice came through from above the crowd. she seemed a bit unsure herself about the situation, but her voice came out strong.

[name]'s dark brown eyes stared at the hand under the magic box with a small frown as she held paimon close. her free hand gripped aether's hand gently as she tugged back towards her as he eyes stayed on the body.

his voice came soft as he rubbed the back of her head," it's alright.." he whispered her name gently as he moved her gaze from the stage. "we're okay. neuvillette has gone to get everything handled, okay?"  her head nodded slowly as she looked at him for a moment. aether smiled warmly, "would you like some baklava?"  paimon brightened up at the notice of food, floating animatedly in the maiden's arms. the mermaid's shoulders shook as she laughed silently at the sight.

aether shook his head as he pulled out three plates of the dish for them to share. a garde walked past when he noticed aether digging in his pockets, but shrugged it off once he saw the girls practically glow in happiness at a sweet snack.
he turned his lips up into a smile and went back to investigating the area he was heading to. paimon happily munched on the dish, sighing happily the oozing, sugary sweetness that melted on her tongue. [name]'s eyes light up lightly and produced a light glow at the happiness she was feeling.

paimon and aether blinked in awe at the glow coming from their eyes and were about to speak on it yet, the loud and assertive voice of the iudex came from the stage. "the gardes have finished their investigation." everyone came closer or looked towards the stage for the sudden news.
"unfortunately, the person who was in the magic box has been dead. " [name] finished her snack with the slight shake of her head at the statement. only one with a durable body would be able to survive that crash, maybe even a vision holder if we're being lenient.

the man continued on as he took steps towards lyney at the front of the stage. "his name was cowell and he was one of lyney's assistants in the magic trope."  neuvillette motioned to the holes where the fireworks  had come out of on the stage. "the fireworks on stage lit the ropes that were suspending the tank on fire, causing it to descend on the stage."

the silence from the audience continued as neuvillette let everyone know the details. paimon frowned as she wiped her mouth from her treat, "the guest from the audience is still missing and one of lyney's assisstant's is dead.." [name] and aether nodded, taking it in quietly. "there are several indications that it is connected to the serial disappearances of young women case. " the trio frowned as they whisper amongst themselves while the crowd broke into whispers. "that's the case charlotte was talking about!" aether looked towards the floating child as he spoke, "and to pull it off like this..? in front of an audience, including the archon and the chief justice.."

the auburn haired girl looked away from the two and looked at lyney with a small frown. he looked drained as e stood there, taking all the information in. her hand went over her heart at the waves of sadness radiating off him. she turned her head at the sound of the manic laughter from the vip section. "i know.. I know the truth!"

the audience turned and gave her the attention she wanted, making her lips perk into a small smile. "i can see through the whole thing. Really.. using such a shallow and obvious myster as his 'finale'?" furina looked towards the main magician with narrowed eyes and a shake of her head, "did he really underestimate us that badly?"  the crowd murmured a bit as they looked at the woman.

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