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dark red eyes watched as his monster counterparts turned into human beings. his dark red locs swayed behind him as the anger built. he turned around to the guard near him, frowning a bit before nodding his head. “tell everyone {the cove} to assemble. we have something to discuss.” the gauard nodded his head, turning around and making his way to the kingdom with a small splash.

the first man turned back towards the scene, sighing inwardly at the sight infront of him before doing the same. his dark red tail propelled him through the water quickly, spooking the fish nearby as he looked over the area. he took in the lifeforms, smiling a bit at the sight of dark purple and blue water surrounding him. he smiled wider at the sight of other eesena picking sea weed, coral, mussles and shrimps nearby their shell houses.

he waved kindly to the citizens, keeping the smile on his face as he caught sight of happy and relaxed smiles. his body stiffened as he continued on, remembering what he just saw beforehand. the memory forced him to go faster. the king swam through the entrance to the castle quickly, nodding his head to the guards who saluted him in returrn.

he continued his way forward, hissing lightly at the sharp tug on his tail fins. his head turned to the side as he stopped, lifting it to see a light green paste stuck to it. glancing around and finding no suspects except algae beside him on the wall, he shrugged it off and kept on swimming.

after he turned the corner, the sharp tug happened again and he frowned as he turned around faster. again, the hallway was empty. the man chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, “akoya must be right about the old age..” he turned to swim away until he caught the low sound of giggles coming from around the corner. his eyes drifted down, catching sight of the light blue tail fins that were stuck out. haeli..?

the king raised an eyebrow before continuing on with his swimming to the courtroom, glancing behind him to see six different colored tails, two that were matching from their inverted details. his lips quirked up into a smirk at the hushed whispers behind him and decided to play along with his sneaky children.

he hummed, rubbing the back of his neck. “i should check on my beautiful wife and adorable children. “ his words made the whispers get louder until he dashed forward through the halls. the faint yell of his fourth child screaming in her pitchy voice, ‘don't let him beat us,’
made him laugh whole heartedly while the ripples of water behind him grew larger as he swam towards the familial quarters. there were more tugs at his tail and even glows of the elements they threw towards him. a small laugh came out of him as he shielded himself in a small glow of light , watching the elements bounce off and get put out.

his right hand reached out, to grab the door and open it before he was momentarily tackled to the ground by his six children. he laughed loudly, hugging them all as they giggled. “gotchu! “ he nodded as he patted one’s head, smiling at the contrast of white and blue underneath his dark hand.

“yes, haeli, you all got me.” the pitchy voice from earlier giggled by his ear, “did you see how i used my geo? i was like ‘rock! ‘ and then ‘crumble! ‘. “ his oldest daughter rolled her dark brown eyes as she side eyed her little sister as her hair swayed in the water. the dark red kinks mixing into purple as it went down to her shoulders, “yari.. your geo is sort of useless. “

aenon shook his head when his said little sister gasped. his hair was the opposite of his twin, but was oulled back into an up and down style. “’gaea that's a bit harsh. it's usefull in making our play houses and those mean crabs. “ his tan hand patted her head, smiling a bit as she {yaritza} lifted her hands to be over his. “thanks big bro, “ her response made aenon glance towards their older brother with a smug look.

burgundy eyes rolled while he looked away, huffing a bit of the cream colored locs from his face.
“whatever ae. “ yaritza giggled and surged into the older boy’s arms for a hug, recieving the tight grip. “big bro xaevan, it's alright! i say your name because i love it. “ the response made him glance at aenon with a similar smug face, making his younger brother groan inwardly.

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