Chapter 2

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Valentino's Pov:

" GET THAT FUCKING BASTARD " I said angerly . Its one of the Mexicans men who tried to steal some of the guns that just got delivered today . They really are idiots don't they know anyone who dares play with me and work is considered fucking dead and that's what's going to happen to this poor guy he just got himself in the devils hands . I askes my brothers Dante and Kai to gather some of my men and bring that asshole. Since I was the oldest i was the leader of the mafia ,while Dante was the head of the security team ,and Kai was the CEO of our company .You know we have to have some clean work under our name am i right . The company is for security teams and stuff like that .

After a while , I got a call from Dante saying that they have found him and have put him in the warehouse . That news was like music to my ears i really was getting bored I need something fun to do , he came just in time . I made my way to the warehouse , as I entered every guard kept their heads down not daring to look up , I have a reputation for being ruthless and everyone fears me every time i go somewhere you could see people scared for their lives and even some people running the opposite direction its their problem not mine. I entered the torture room i could already hear his screams I guess Dante had a little fun without me . His faced turned white upon seeing me I just approached him with a smirk plastered on my face .

"Well hello there" I said with a hint of amusement . " Please Sir I am really sorry I was forced to do it , they forced me " He said while shaking . " And did they force you to join there mafia , I really don't think so you are just making an excuse "I snarled . He just Shaked his head . " Thank you for your precious answer you just opened your own grave " I said while heading towards the table containing anything that could help us in torturing , there is a hammer for the knees , tongue puller, finger remover, different types of knives, and of course guns. I decided to go with my favorite and the most painful one . The knife , I held it and went towards him . I guess my art piece begins now . I began with small scratches on his body as his screams became louder and louder i was just laughing each time . I then started making small drawings on him as i stabbed the knife deeper in his flesh . " What can I say you messed with the wrong guy boy " .

When I was finally satisfied with my masterpiece I picked up my gun from my waistband and shot the fucker in the head , and now my favorite part i engraved my initials on his cheek V.D.L "Dante " I called him into the room . " OHHH my brother you really did something ,not going to lie." he said . " Well he deserved it "I replied . " Yeah , what did you need from me ? ". "Cut off his skull, put it in a box and send it to the Mexicans they love gifts I am sure they will love this" I said laughing . "Of course brother don't worry they are going to love it " He smirked .

After that I headed to my car and headed home to take a shower to get all this blood of me and to freshen up since today I had to visit one of my clubs . I would usually let Kai or Dante do that but today I wanted a drink so I decided to go instead of them. When I go to my clubs I would look for a women to spend time with one night then pretend like nothing happened , women know me to be the type that sleeps with different women but never dates them .

I finished showering and got dressed in a white button down with black dress pants . I rolled up my sleeves and kept a few buttons open . I wore my big chunky ring and of course the family ring indicating that i am the leader of the Italian Mafia . Further more, I took my black Mecedes G-Wagon and headed to the club. I arrived after 10 mins because i went over the speed limits but who cares even the cops are afraid of me . I entered the club everyone was terrified upon seeing me although they tried their best to hide their fear I could still see it in there eyes . Girls started giving me flirtatious looks and some even pushed bras up so they could show more cleavage .Whores . I just on a Vip table I could still see the dance floor and people dancing . The waiter served me my regular drink a scotch with ice . I just ignored everything and kept sipping on my drink .

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