chapter 1

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it was another day on Mewni and Nova was standing in the throne room with her weapon which was a sword on her left side, then heard Queen Moon clear her throat.
Nova: yes Queen Moon?
Moon: are you alright?
Nova: yes I'm fine it's just i should go check on Star if you both like I will make sure she's safe, I promised Queen Solaria that I would keep the future queen safe and I'm not breaking my promise.
River: please make sure she's safe. Nova nodded and grabbed her bag as she went through the portal and ended up on earth as she saw a party going on at the Diaz house.

*on earth*

Nova: Star what is going on?
Star: oh hi Nova what're you doing here?
Nova: your parents sent me to keep an eye on you and I can see your doing the one day that I don't exactly like.
Star: sorry I forgot you lost your family this way. you can head inside dinner will be ready soon.
Nova: thanks but listen if anything happens just yell.
Marco: got it and thanks but uh could you stay outside we might need you.
Nova: alright but I am taking my bag inside first. Nova jumped up onto the balcony and dropped her bag inside then stood below the balcony to watch what was going on, and Nova held her scar being reminded of what happened in the past.
Nova: whoa is everyone alright?
Marco: we're alright but let's go eat. everyone was inside and Nova just picked at her food.
Star: Nova you alright?
Nova: huh? yeah I'm fine it's just my scar was hurting a bit and i'm willing to tell my story of what happened in my past.
Janna: what happened to get you that gnarly scar? Nova looked at her scar and saw the claw marks.
Nova: it was a fight that happened three hundred years ago I fought beside Queen Solaria and I saved her from being attacked by a monster it was the very one who took away my family, but I had a friend we were close that was until an incident happened I never spoke to him again he gave me a scar on my back when we fought. I never spoke to him since then and it has been twenty years since I saw him we're both immortal so we don't age.

Skullnick: i'm the same here honey i'm a troll and I feel like a teenager again.
Nova: yeah well I maybe immortal it doesn't do much my body heals faster but unlike my old friend he's more of a reptile, excuse me I need to be alone right now.
Star: I have a spot for you in my room it's on the upper level.
Nova: thanks Star. Nova went up to Star's room and sat down on the bed as she laid down and looked up at the ceiling Nova pulled out a charm that was given to her by Eclipsa.
Nova: I promise to find a way to get you out of the crystal I don't care what happens to me I will get you out of the crystal.

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