42. Proud Father

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Fredi's Pov*

I had nothing against children. I just never got around to having my own. I didn't have a partner before all this. I had nothing against finding someone either. Even when everyone around me tried to find me dates. Just never got around to it. The first few months with Mara surely had its challenges but more than anything I was just happy not being alone in this hellhole anymore. 

Then we stumbled upon Roone and Riva.

Those two were something. Yeah, Roone was more serious of the brothers but that doesn't mean his little brother can't bring out the kid in him. I understood that Mara would be wary about them at first but she eventually warmed up to them. Especially Roone, just as I had hoped for her.

For a while it was just the four of us. And then I found Blackie, or I should really say that he found us. The little black pup filled my heart up even more. I knew it wasn't exactly original in name but I knew that Riva would make a little fuss of it. Which is why I did it.

Now we were a family of five.

Things weren't easy in the slightest. We were after all survivors in a world that once had cannabalistic freaks. But we made it work. Somehow we were surviving. We were getting closer to Alaska. Getting closer to what would be our home.

I could see the five of us hiking along the trails that we were allowed to go on. There was a mixture of giddiness and pain when I thought about forming a new habit for our meals. We were so used to one big one at night and perhaps snacking a little as we traveled that I can imagine us struggling to remember that we could now eat whenever want.

That alone was enough to help me push through.

I won't lie and say that there were times were I lost myself. Debating on whether it was worth the effort fighting against everything I had grown up with or finally giving in.

The times I was seperated from the boys and Mara didn't help with my anxiety. 

When we were caught in our escape from Mother, or Mama as she liked to be called, I was angry and guilty.

I was angry that we were caught. Angry that after all I had done for the family, all without question, they would refuse to let us go in peace.

I was guilty because they ended up getting hurt. If it wasn't for me, they wouldn't have been punished. 

Then the miracle happened and we got out. It wasn't unscathed. Mara went on to have nightmares of it all. For a while, she did not let anyone touch her. Not even Roone.

Gods, Roone.

He was reminding me of a younger me each day. I could see how much anger was inside of him. You could easily tell how much he wanted to help and be there for Mara. But there was a part of him that was still stuck back at the place.

I knew that it would be a long road for him.

As for Riva, I wished I could do more than tell him that things would be alright or that he didn't have to pretend with us. What I noticed with him is that the more he smiled, the more he was hurting inside.

I thought all the bit of progress that they were making was out the window when we encountered those two young women. I sure as hell wasn't set on dying or the boys, but I could appreciate their sentiment of wanting to protect Mara.

If I'm being truly honest, I wouldn't have minded if Mara would've chosen to stay with them.

Would it have broken my heart? Absolutely.

It would've broken something inside of me not waking up every night seeing her. She really was the daughter that I never had.

However, after hearing everything that those women have been through, I knew that they would not only help her but protect her.

In the end, the selfish part of me was glad that she didn't stay.

Otherwise she wouldn't have been able to keep Jack, as her little mutt was very fond Dukino. She wouldn't have wanted to seperate the two so if she had stayed, she would have given Jack to Riva.

If she did that, then I knew her progress would slow or disappear altogether.

I know first hand how a dog's love can heal someone. Whether she wanted to admit or not, Jack had helped her in more ways than even Roone, I or all the doctors could.

That is until Kailee and Boaz came along. More specifically, Kailee.

Of course Mara was apprehensive on meeting new people, I mean duh. Yet, while Boaz was getting taken under our wing, Kailee had been taken under Mara's.

Kailee looked to be happy with Mara as well. She listened to everything that she had to teach her, but she also got Mara to open up more. On more than one occasion I found the two talking about trivial matters. Sometimes Mara would be the one to engage first.

As more time passed, I knew the two young women came to view each other as sisters. Just as Roone and Riva have welcomed Boaz as a brother.

I was happy seeing the three of them about as happy as can be given the new changes. I was also more than happy to call Kailee and Boaz family now.

Even though those two found themselves in the same situation that we had, when the doctors told me about them, I didn't know what condition they would be in.

They had been viewed as weak and with the young man's condition I was surprised they lasted as long as they did.

So when the doc asked me to help out, I felt something more than obligation.

That was then, now we were gathering up all our things for the last time this night. In the morning, we would say our goodbyes to those that helped us heal and be off.

"Come on boy, bed time!" I tapped my bed as I called for Blackie to join me.

He fell asleep before I did. I remained staring at my room for a while, petting his head. Even though it's been a few years, I was still scared to fall asleep sometimes.

It wasn't because of nigthmares. I was afraid that when I woke, that all this was a dream. I would find myself back at the community, never having escaped.

Blackie lifted his head and layed it on my chest. He licked my face once before going back to sleep. 

"Good night boy."

Hey my beauties, hope you're still enjoying the story. Can you guys see where this twist is going? What do you think is going on? I haven't written from Fredi's point for quite some time now and thought he was being left out.

Also, since my computer no longer seems to want to work with me on writing, I'm using another keyboard. While I do like it, the keys are sensitive so if there are grammar errors I apologize. I do go back and review the chapters before I post but some do escape me so yeah.

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