3. The Apocalypse's Itinerary

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It's been three months since I woke up. Three months without any memory. Truthfully, my memory still hasn't come back. Any of it. But it doesn't bother me anymore like it used to. In fact, I was right. It served me as an advantage, because it made it easier for me to adapt to this new world. I wasn't held back by what my old life was or by the things that I thought I should be missing. Don't get me wrong, from the look of the bathroom I had in the house that was once my home, I will undoubtedly miss showering. I bet it was amazing.

I have no doubt that things smelled and looked nicer back then too. However given that this is the only thing I know it doesn't phase me in the least.

Along the way, I picked up a few more things. This backpack I found in my closet somehow managed to carry it all. To my surprise and appreciation, it still remained light. I also upgraded some of my weapons. I ditched the kitchen knives save one. They were too flimsy for me and dulled right away. Instead, I found two stiletto knives and custom fitted them to the ends of my bow so I can swing it and stab from a distance. It took me a while before I managed to make it so that they didn't fall or break off. I also found a sharpening stone that helps me keep all of my other blades sharp. My only kitchen one left I only used for food.

My machete is unfortunately no longer with me since about a month ago when I was fighting a rather large dead one. I ended up losing it on a bridge.

Their strength, despite their decomposing state surprises me. And damn are they fast! In our struggle, I managed to stick it into his head but another came up quickly behind me. As quick of a reaction I just side stepped it and pushed it into the now dead dead one. Which caused it to go over the bridge, taking both dead and my machete.

Such a shame. I loved that machete. Hopefully I can find a new one. They are very effective against those things.

I've got to be more careful with my weapons and not lose them.

Along with the medical aid book I had found in the first house on the first day, I also picked up two survivalist books. Through them I learned how to make a fire. I thought fire was just fire, I had know idea that there's different methods to build one and each can last different amounts of times. There's also what plants I could use to either eat or use as a remedy. In my opinion, one of the biggest things I learned is how to make more arrows. That is a lot harder than it looks than the fire.

In one of the chapters it showed me how I can arrange the arrows so I can have easier access and protect my body. So, with the book's help I made two leg straps that have a holder on the bottom and the top so I can adjust the arrows and easily remove them. With these two straps I can hold ten arrows on my legs which I can draw faster and in turn makes more room for the arrow pouch.

On my lower back I have a small carrier that holds two small or medium, depending on your hand size, tactical tomahawks. Those I'm hoping I never lose.

The only things that were added to my inventory that weren't weapons were a jacket, an extra pair of black gloves which I absolutely love for some reason, three little bottles of different types of seasonings, a small skillet and a small pot. They held only for one serving but given that it was only me it was perfect.

I know that may seem a little weird or an unnecessary thing to get but with nothing being made anymore, I'd figure that the food supplies in stores and homes will eventually run out. That is if they don't go bad first. Plus I only use them when the sun is starting to set so the dead ones don't see the flames and I'm "safe" and hidden somewhere.

That way with such a big meal, when I leave for the night I can minimize my need to stop to eat and I can travel more. I use the small pot to boil some water from the rivers I see animals drinking from which tells me it's good or from the rains. It may seem like extra work boiling it but these furry guys can drink from a mud puddle and call it a day. I try that and I'm sure that I will get sick so better safe than sorry.

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