"Oh," a woman's voice spoke, causing me to whip around and nearly drop the pan full of eggs. The mature, female equivalent of Katsuki stood in the doorway watching me with a small smile. "Midoriya, right? We haven't gotten a chance to meet yet. I'm Mitsuki Bakugou."

I nearly shit myself right then and there. I was meeting Katsuki's mom for the first time sober, in her son's shirt and boxers. I was silently praying that some holy power would strike me down right there and put me out of my misery. I couldn't even formulate words, I was so mortified.

"Leave him alone, hag," Katsuki's gruff morning voice called as he shoulder past her into the kitchen. "And you," he said to me, causing me to finally turn my wide eyes expression to him. "Leave my fucking kitchen alone."

I quickly stepped away from the stove, allowing him to take over the eggs before I could burn them and embarrass myself further.

"You're such a brat," Mitsuki said with an eye roll at her son. "I don't know how you put up with him," she said to me, a teasing smile on her lips.

Did she know? I thought to myself. Last I'd heard, Katsuki still hadn't come out to his parents.

"Don't look so tense, hun," she said as she walked to the island and took a seat on a stool. "I've known he's gay since he was five."

I deflated at the words, running a stressed hand through my hair. "Thank god, I totally would have given it away somehow," I mumbled, looking over at my boyfriend who was dutifully mixing the eggs around and ignoring us. I nudged him teasingly. "Guess all that hiding was for nothing."

He rolled his eyes, elbowing me right back. "I don't enjoy the fact my mom's had me clocked as queer from infancy."

"Five isn't infancy, dumbass."

Oh great, I thought, Shinsou's awake.

"And who is this?" Mitsuki asked, taking in the purple haired teens half asleep, disheveled appearance.

"One of my friends from back home," I explained, shooting her an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry, I thought Katsuki had asked if they could stay here." I glared at the blond teen in accusation.

The woman let out a loud laugh that was almost identical to her son's. "As if that brat would ask for permission to do anything."  She waved off my concern. "Besides, we have an open door policy, I don't mind."

So many pieces of the Katsuki Bakugou puzzle clicked into place after meeting his mother. She was him after a few years of therapy, wild.

"He's not a friend," Katsuki grumbled, still fully focused on preparing breakfast.

Eijirou walked into the kitchen next, looking freshly showered if his damp hair was anything to go by. He took one look at the occupants of the room and said, "Well, isn't this a fun line up." He smiled at Mitsuki making his way over to her and taking the empty stool to her left. "I didn't know you were home."

"Got in around ten last night," she answered with a nonchalant shrug as she picked at an invisible piece of dust on the counter in front of her. "You know, we soundproof your room for a reason, maybe use it next time."

I went ghost white at her words, absolutely mortified by the horrible first impressions I've left on her. She probably hated me at that point. Not only had she seen me completely hammered, but apparently she heard me having sex with her son and somewhat adopted son. Fantastic.

Eijirou awkwardly chuckled, turning the lightest shade of pink. "Yeah, sorry about that."

"Wouldn't be a problem if you just soundproof my room," Katsuki said with a shrug, like he didn't care that his mother heard us last night.

Mistuki folded her hands in front of her and smiled at the blond's back. "Katsuki, sweetheart, do you know how fucking expensive that is?"

"And we're changing the conversation," Ashido's voice rang through the room as she entered with Urarka's hand firmly locked in hers. "Morning mama Mitsuki!" she greeted happily, placing a kiss on the woman's cheek.

"Ash, it's lovely to see you, dear," Mitsuki said with a bright smile, squeezing the girl's free hand.

Katsuki grabbed a stack of plates out of the cupboard, flashing an annoyed look at his mom. "Why're you so fucking nice to my friends and not me?"

Mitsuki turned her smile to him, resting her chin in her hand. "Because you're a brat." She didn't waste a second, turning right back to the girls and nodding at Uraraka. "I don't think we've been introduced yet, I'm Mitsuki Bakugou."

Uraraka flashed her a million watt smile. "I'm Ochako Uraraka. You must be Bakugou's sister?"

Mitsuki let out a full belly laugh at the assumption and I thought Katsuki was going to throw a plate at her head. "She's my fucking mom," he corrected, passive aggressively shoving a plate of eggs into my hands.

I watched as Uraraka's eyes went wide, looking between the two. "There's no way, you look twenty five!"

"I'm forty two, but thank you for that," Mitsuki said, actually wiping away a tear that had fallen from her boisterous laughter. She looked at Ashido with a knowing glint in her eyes. "She's a keeper."

Ashido lifted their hands, placing a kiss on the back of Uraraka's hand. "Oh, I'm well aware."

In an attempt to take the heat off of her, Uraraka turned to look at my blond boyfriend, who was still angrily dishing up the eggs. "Damn, Bakugou's gonna age like fine wine."

"Well aware, pink cheeks," he said without even turning around.

The nickname caused her to turn even more pink. She huffed and turned her nose up. "I don't know what Izuku sees in you." 

"I second that," Shinsou said from the other side of the kitchen.

"Shut up, Shinsou," Eijirou snapped back, not missing a beat.

"I hope you all rot in hell," Todoroki's gravel filled voice cut into the conversation at exactly the right time. I had forgotten how much he hated mornings.

"They just keep coming," Mitsuki pointed out, looking at Eijirou. "How many of them are there?"
He shook his head, a hint of humor in his smile that made me relax. "Just those three. Iz apparently wasn't as popular back home as he is here."

I shot Shinsou a warning look as he opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't seem to care. "Trust me, he was plenty popular back home."

The joking atmosphere was gone as quick as it appeared. I was so sick of his shit at that point, I didn't care that my boyfriend's mom was still in the room. "If you're going to call me a whore," I said in an even tone. "Do it with your full chest."

The room went dead silent for a moment as Shinsou and I sized each other up.

"Well," Mitsuki said, cutting through the tension as she stood. "As fun as it would be to stick around and watch you kids burn the house down around you, I have a job I need to get to." She gave us a quick goodbye and then excused herself out the front door.

Breakfast was an awkward affair, to literally no one's surprise. The only ones who even tried to make conversation were Ashido and Uraraka. It was mostly just them catching up while the rest of us ate in tense silence, well besides Todoroki. He was in his own little world as he sleepily ate his eggs.

Eventually, I couldn't stand it anymore and stood to put my plate in the sink. "I'm gonna head home and shower quick." I needed to escape, just for a little bit.

"Window?" Eijirou asked from the counter he was sitting on.

I nodded. "It's somehow gotten easier than using our front doors," I admitted. Going through windows was basically second nature at that point.

"Sounds good, see you when you get back," Eijirou said with that sweet smile of his. I bounced over to where he and Katsuki sat and gave them each a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Ew!" Ashido exclaimed, pointing at us. "PDA is not okay!"

Todoroki decided right then was the perfect time to return to the land of the living. "You and Uraraka were making out two feet from me last night."

I covered my laughter with my hand as I exited the kitchen just as Uraraka started yelling.

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