Chapter 36

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If you're wondering, no, it did not look like he was bluffing. He'd been ten feet away from me and all my friends, without any of us knowing. I didn't smoke enough weed for this bullshit.

I angrily shoved my phone back into my pocket, unreasonably pissed off. The worst part is that it was my own damn fault. I should have just tossed my phone, gone all primal and never touched technology again. Instead I pissed off an insane dude with a bomb charge who just broke out of prison. Fun times for everyone.

When I made it to the lunchroom and took my usual spot between my boyfriends, everyone could instantly tell I was in a mood, but when wasn't I at that point? The conversation kind of died off as I sat, everyone looking at me with concern in their eyes.

Katsuki held out a hand and in a tone that clearly said 'no bitching and whining', demanded my phone.

Of course, that didn't matter to me. I just stared at him, lazily blinking. "No."

"Darlin?" Eijirou spoke up and I shifted my weight to face him easier. "You okay?"

"Peachy," I said back, my voice dripping in sarcasm. "Just didn't sleep much last night." It wasn't a complete lie. After smoking with Sero a few days before, I hadn't been able to sleep much. The down side of quitting after being dependent and then picking the habit back up. I knew that the bags under my eyes were enough proof that it was the truth.

Eijirou's frown deepened at my words, fully looking me over. "You want to stay with Katsuki and I tonight?"

My heart squeezed at the offer. Eijirou was the epitome of good, always trying to solve any problem that he comes across just to help whoever was suffering. He made it so hard to lie to him. I forced a strained smile that wasn't fooling anyone. "I'll be fine, Ei. My mom's getting me some melatonin after work, hopefully that'll help a little."

To my surprise, he actually seemed to believe it. I guess it made sense, he wanted to believe that I was getting better and trying to find healthy ways to cope. He was an optimist to a fault. "Just shoot us a text if you need us, alright? Doesn't matter what time it is, we'll be there."

I take it back, the fact he seemed to believe it. The way he was staring dead into my eyes in earnest was a give away. He didn't buy my shit for a second. It was almost annoying how well he knew me at that point. I sheepishly nodded and forcefully turned away from him. "Got it."


The boys never got a hold of my phone that day, and thank the gods for it. They would have done one of two things, hauled my ass to the police station yet again, or taken the device. I couldn't have Shigaraki texting them all night instead of me, I have no idea what he'd say or do to them because of it.

Plus, I really needed my phone that night.

Katsuki said that weed wasn't going to be a habit, and I had full intentions of following through on that promise. Technically, it wasn't a habit if I didn't smoke every day, right? Besides, could they even get mad if I was just doing it so I could sleep? At that point, I couldn't care less.

That night, after I'd already gone back to my own house, I pulled out my phone and dialed Sero's number. I didn't exactly have any other stoner on speed dial in a fifty mile radius. Well, I guess Shigaraki kinda counted, but it's not like I could call him up and ask him for a twenty bag. Sero it was.

He picked up after two rings.

"Midoriya? What's up, dude?" He sounded a little confused as to why I was calling him at that time, but overall happy to talk to me.

"I need a favor," I said over the phone, keeping my voice down so my mom wouldn't overhear. She wouldn't be a fan of my new bedtime routine either. "But you can't tell Ei and Kat." I ripped the bandaid off as quickly as possible. He'd either be down to help, or he'd hear that stipulation and peace the fuck out. Either way I didn't think he'd snitch about the phone call, just decline or accept to help.

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