chapter 2

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It's always the little thing that matters.
Little things that make our heart feel whole.

When I was seven years old I got my first consolation prize ever. I was so excited to tell my parents about it. During the whole ride I kept making scenarios of how they would act. Will they like it? Will they praise me? Will they hug me and kiss me?
Will they tell me how proud they are?

I was so excited i did not even take my afternoon nap. So excited to even forget to eat lunch and even miss my sponge Bob cartoon. I was dancing around the whole house. Even when I told my neighbour Mr. and Mrs. Cruz was also very happy. They gave me a small teddy bear and chocolates. They also told me how much they are proud of me.

I waited for my parents to come home the whole day. They never came and I slept on the floor near the front door so that when they came and opened the door I would wake up and show them.

When i woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was to run to my parents bedroom only to find it empty. I did not let myself down and started to get ready for school.

When I came back from school they were home. When I asked my mom why she did not come home yesterday and why she did not call me. She did not answer me instead kissed My hand and told me to be a good girl and we will talk in the evening. And they both left me again.

When they get back home in the evening. I was in my room and waiting for them to come to me and asked me at least for once about my day. 

That was the day i realised I don't matter. I was only seven and it used to hurt so much. I was so jealous of my friends when they told me about how loving their parents are.

"I won fisst in the race and eveyone was clampping for me. Stella are you prout of meeee?" Amara asks while clapping her hand. I was lost in my own thoughts I did not even hear half of it but I still answer. Every child should feel proud.

"Of course I am proud. You should always feel so proud of yourself, yes?"

"Yesss" she double nod her head in a funny way and i already love this kid.

We are in the garden, waiting for bretz who is making us cookies. I offered her my help but she denied she said and i quote 'oh please you take care of this little demon while I get some rest and make you your favourite cookies.'

Bretz cookies are the best in the world. Every time we met she gave me a whole kar of cookies. I am so grateful for her.

I always thought she lived alone and had no one. The only thing I knew about her is that she had two husbands. Mr. Frank who was her first husband died in a car accident and mr.albert the second husband no longer lives with her. They are both divorced. It was a decade ago.

But now when I get to know she has a granddaughter who is only 3 going 4. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. When i asked her about it she told me to go wait outside and she would tell me everything. I don't want to intrude but you know the saying 'curiosity kills the cat'.

"Sella look i catch buufly look look"

when I look to my side to see Amara running towards me and there is something in her hand when she gets closer I get the clear picture. She had a butterfly in her palm and covered it with her other hand.

I frowned and made her sit on my lap. She looks up at me and is smiling.

"It's pweetyy rigtt?" I smile and nod at her innocence.

"Yes it's very pretty. But you should let her go now." I told her politely and all she  did was pout.

"Why" she asks.

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