𝚘. 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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𝙾. Prolouge!

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THAT WAS ONE THING that I had never liked to hear, my name bouncing off the walls of my abuela's huge, two story house in the city Los Angeles. I figured I could have just ignored it as usual, but something told me if I didn't respond or rush down stairs in the next twenty seconds, I wouldn't make it out without a reprimanding.

I sighed dejectedly, made a sound of protest and took out my earphones. Slipping on a pair of black, ankle socks onto my feet, I jump off of my bed and begin to make my way downstairs, running a hand tiredly through my dark curls.

What do these people want from me? is the only thing that rushes through my mind as I pass by a bunch of portraits on the way down. Some great, some weird, some weirder. Dad would approve.

As I approach the bottom of the stairs, my eyes land on the clock situated on the wall at the beginning of the staircase and I noticed the time, 10:26 am. I scoff at the time before I finally reached the bottom of the staircase.

I continue my journey towards the lounge area where I know whoever had summoned me, and probably the rest of my family, was situated. I bypass a bunch of family portraits before I reach the doorway of the lounge.

As soon as my feet stepped inside, my eyes began to analyze the situation and in that moment, I realize that this had to be about more than me. Just as I had suspected, my entire family is present in the room. None of them are sitted, with the exeption of my abuelita.

"Tonã," My mother, Antonia (yes, I'm a junior), says, beckoning me forward. She looked a little more worried that usual, but still as pretty as I knew she was.

With her dark skin, brown eyes and curled hair, it was no suprise that my father thought she attractive. The only question I ever wanted to ask him was how he managed to get my mother.

As in no offense to her, but my mom's very picky and very disintrested wheb it comes to people outside her kids. She's the daughter of Ares and the granddaughter of Nike, two very prideful gods. And my mom inherited that trait from both of them.

𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐑𝐇𝐈𝐂 𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘, percy jackson ¹ ▷ pjo ✓Where stories live. Discover now