Chapter 5: Avalon

Start from the beginning

As they neared the bridge, the gunner continued to document the scene, capturing the expanse of the city that awaited them on the other side. The pilot maintained focus, ready to navigate their aircraft safely across the bridge and into the next urban landscape.

As they crossed the bridge, the crew caught sight of the Statue of Liberty standing proudly in the distance, a surprising and iconic landmark to encounter in this decaying world.

Once they reached the other side of the city, the pilot guided the Curtiss F8C Helldiver to a lower altitude, surveying the urban landscape below. The streets were lined with dilapidated buildings, their facades worn and crumbling.

"Keep an eye out for any signs of life," the pilot instructed, scanning the area for movement or activity.

The gunner continued to photograph the cityscape, documenting the surroundings for reconnaissance purposes. "Captain, looks like we've got some old structures down there," he reported.

The pilot navigated the aircraft over the city, heading towards what appeared to be a central area with larger buildings. As they flew, they maintained vigilance, prepared for any unexpected encounters or obstacles that might arise in this unfamiliar territory.

As the Curtiss F8C Helldiver and the accompanying SPAD XIIIs flew over the city, they spotted a group of giant mosquitoes perched atop a nearby building. Thankfully, the insects appeared to be asleep, likely subdued by the oppressive heat. However, the tranquility was short-lived.

The SPAD XIIIs swiftly flew past the Curtiss F8C Helldiver, their engines roaring as they banked sharply. The noise startled the giant mosquitoes resting on the rooftops, causing them to stir. Before they could fully awaken, the SPAD XIIIs opened fire, their machine guns peppering the insects with precise shots.

The giant mosquitoes, caught off guard by the sudden attack, The giant mosquitoes attempted to take flight, but before they could react, they were swiftly dispatched by the SPAD XIII's gunfire.

"Nice shooting," the gunner in the Curtiss F8C Helldiver remarked over the radio. "Those things would've been trouble if they'd gotten airborne."

The pilot of the lead SPAD XIII acknowledged the compliment. "Let's keep moving. We've got a lot more ground to cover," he replied, banking the aircraft back towards their reconnaissance path.

As the aircraft continued their patrol over the city, the crew remained vigilant, prepared for any further encounters with the bizarre and dangerous creatures that inhabited this eerie urban landscape.

The Southeast team, comprising a flight of agile biplanes, soared southeastward, leaving the first city behind. Their destination lay beyond the second bridge, which stretched across a murky river. As they approached the bridge, it became apparent that its structure was severely compromised, with sections missing and others barely holding together.

"SE team to lead pilot, bridge ahead is unstable," radioed the flight leader.

The lead pilot acknowledged the warning. "Roger that, SE team. Maintain visual distance and proceed with caution."

The biplanes dipped lower as they reached the broken span. It was evident that the bridge had been neglected for years, its steel girders rusted, and its concrete supports crumbling. One section had collapsed entirely into the river below.

As the Southeast team navigated the treacherous airspace above the bridge, their vigilant eyes scanned the surroundings for any signs of movement. The decaying city on the opposite bank awaited them, its towering ruins casting long shadows over the landscape.

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