Bad Times

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Then Branch and Poppy went home after a day in town

Then Viva walked up to Branch

Viva: Looks like it's official Poppy adopted you welcome to the family

Branch: Thanks Viva

Later Axel's dogs came to get Branch out thinking he was catnapped 

Branch: What are you guys doing here?

John Dory: Saving you

Clay: What does it look like?

Branch: No I don't need saving this girl Poppy she adopted me

Floyd: So you were adopted?

Branch: Yes and I like it here

Floyd: John I think we should just leave him here he's happy

John Dory: Yeah he's happy to be here

Viva: What's going on?

Branch: Viva just my friends coming to visit

Viva: Well that's nice

Clay: Wow you're really pretty

Viva: Why thank you

Clay: I'm Clay

Floyd: I'm FLoyd

Sync: Sync

Bruce: Bruce

John Dory: And I'm John Dory the leader of the pack

Viva: Nice to meet you all maybe Poppy and Peppermint wouldn't mind a few extra dogs around the house

Clay: Who are Poppy and Peppermint?

Branch: Our owners

Peppermint: Viva? Branch? What's with all the barking and meowing?

Viva: *barks*

Then Peppermint sees the dogs

Peppermint: Oh what in the world? Poppy! Vito!

Poppy: What's wrong?

Then she sees the dogs

Poppy: Where'd they come from?

Peppermint: I don't know

Branch brushes up against Poppy and goes to his friends

Poppy: Are they your friends?

Branch: *meows*

Vito: Do they have an owner?

Peppermint: Don't see any signs

Floyd: I'd like to stay Branch but what about Axel

John Dory: Yeah we can't abandon him

Branch: Then let's find him and bring him here

Viv: Who's Axel?

Clay: Our owner he's not like Poppy and Peppermint he's in debt to Creek because Bliss his wife owed him some money

Viva: Oh that's terrible

Sync: Yeah you're telling me he used to be my owner then I ran away from him

Viva: Maybe he can come here. There's always room in the family

Bruce: I think he would like that

Then they went to find him

Vito: Where are they going?

Poppy: Branch!

Viva: Why are you going Branch?

Branch: Because I need to help them they're my friends

Viva: Then I'm coming with you

Then Viva follows them

Peppermint: Viva!

Vito: Let's follow them

Then they followed them 

The dogs stopped when they saw girl that looked upset

Clay: Clara?

Branch: Who?

John Dory: Axel and Bliss's daughter well one of them she was the only one they were able to keep

Viva: What do you mean?

Clay: Well Bliss was able to pay off her debt a little

Floyd: Yeah but she still owed Creek and one day he got so tired of waiting he took one of her daughters named Blossom and we never saw her after that

Bruce: Then they sent Flora, Sandy, and Jade Dory to Bliss's sister Gemma so she could raise them

John Dory: They were gonna send Clara but she insisted that she stayed because she knew that her parents needed her

Branch: How come I never saw her?

Sync: Axel always hides her when Creek comes so he can't take her away like he did with Blossom

Clay walks up to Clara

Clara: Clay?

Clay goes into her arms

Clara: I'm glad you're alright

The others walk up to her

Clara: John Dory, Bruce, Sync, Floyd you guys are okay I was worried about you

Then Branch and Viva walked up to her

Clara: Who are these 2?

Then she sees their tags

Clara: Branch and Viva looks like you 2 have owners

Peppermint: Viva!

Poppy: Branch!

Then they see them

Clara: Are these your cat and dog?

Poppy: Yes I don't know what has gotten into them

Branch: *meows*

Viva: *barks*

Then Vito sees Clara

Vito: Are these your dogs miss?

Clara: Oh yes they belong to my father or at least they used to

Poppy: What do you mean by that?

Clara: He was taken by Creek because he couldn't pay his debt and when Creek tried to take me dad got in the way and refused to hand me over and Creek took him instead and when I tried to stop him he ordered his dogs to attack me so I couldn't go after them

Vito: You poor thing

Clay brushed up against Clara

Clara tried to pet him

Clara: Ow! 😣 I forgot that those dogs bit my arm really hard

Peppermint: Oh no

Vito: I think we can help you come on let's go

Then he picks Clara up and they walk home

Clay: I hope that she'll be okay

Branch: Me too

Viva: Don't worry Vito is great at things like this Poppy and Peppermint have been hurt before but he helps them

Floyd: She looked like she was beat up bad by Shade and Ash

Viva: She'll be okay

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 26 ⏰

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