Floyd, Bruce, Clay, and Sync

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In the house

Clay was dancing around to the music

Bruce was watching something

Bruce: Clay can you keep it down? I'm trying to watch something

Clay: Hey Spruce man whatcha watching man? Hey does he get the girl? What happens?

Bruce pushes Clay down so he can see the TV

Bruce: Shut up!

Clay: Hey man this stuff is boring man. Come on let's watch some boxing and get some action

Bruce tries to get Clay but Clay gets out of the way

Clay: Hey Spruce Que paso man? You're getting slow man

Bruce: I told you my name is Bruce not Spruce, Bruce

Clay: Yeah whatever. So what did you bring in today Bruce?

Bruce: it's none of your business Clay

Sync: Look what I got!

Sync (he belongs to Jrae25) is holding a tennis racket in his mouth

Bruce: Good show Sync. Now all we need is the court and the net

Sync: You think this place is big enough?

Clay: Come on man what we need is some good stuff. Check it out!

He picks up a wallet he found earlier

Bruce: Shredded leather

Clay: Shredded what? Hey that's a primo wallet man

Bruce: Rubbish you mean

Clay: Alright that does it Spruce man! You insulted my pride that means death!

Floyd: Cut it out you two

They stop

Floyd: Axel's not gonna be too happy about this. So Bruce you got the food right?

Bruce: Well no

Clay: Oh come on Spruce

Sync: Come on

Floyd: It was your turn to get the food

Clay: I guess it's newspaper burritos tonight

John Dory: Guys chill out I'd like to introduce you to your dinner

Then he gave them the sausages

Clay: Alright!

Sync: Cool!

Floyd: So how'd you do it this time JD?

John Dory: Let me tell you it wasn't easy only I could do it

Clay: Did you have to fight man?

John Dory: I was getting the food then suddenly a monster with sharp claws, 9 lives, and fangs came towards me. He comes at me eyes burning I knew my time had come suddenly...

Then Branch falls into the house scaring all of the dogs in the process

Clay: Gang war! Gang war!

Sync hides in a barrel

Floyd hides behind a box

John Dory hides behind a chair near the TV

Clay and Bruce hide behind crates

Floyd: Well what is it?

Clay: Hey man check it out

He sniff it

Then Branch's paw grabs his nose

Clay: Aye! It's an alien!

Then Branch reveals himself

Floyd: Cool it guys it's just a cat

Clay: El gato

Bruce: Felis Demesticus

Floyd: How'd you find this place cat?

Branch: I followed this dog

Clay: He's lying!He's lying! He's lying!

Floyd kicks Clay

Floyd: Quiet Clay!

Bruce: Why would a cat follow a dog?

Sync: Yeah

Branch: I just wanted some of the sausages I helped him steal

Clay: He's a spy!

Branch: Wait that's him over there

John Dory: Hey kid what took you so long?

Floyd: Don't worry kid *winks* 😉

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