City Streets

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Branch was accepted by Axel and his dogs

Axel: Alright guys go do what you do

Then the dogs went to do some work

Branch: So what do we do?

Clay: Man do you read the news?

John Dory: We go around and get stuff we need to survive

Bruce: Yep

Branch: Cool can I help?

Sync: Sure

John Dory: We'll teach you everything you need to know about living on the streets

Branch: Okay

Floyd: We need to clean you up kid

Then John Dory saw a car

John Dory: Hello what do we have here?

A girl named Poppy was inside with her twin brother Peppermint

Peppermint: Sorry Poppy but mom and dad aren't going to be here in time for our birthday

Poppy: Oh

Vito: I'm sure that they'll be home soon

Peppermint: It's work they want to come but they can't because of how busy they are

Poppy: Okay


John Dory: Alright here's the plan Sync stop that thing, Clay hot wire the thing, Floyd and I will gather a crowd, and Bruce create a distraction for the driver

Branch: What can I do?

John Dory: Help Clay out

Clay: Alright let's go man

Then Sync ran into the street and banged into the car

Vito: What was that? You 2 stay in here while I go check it out

Then Sync got out of the way and Bruce got in front of the car and pretended that he was dead

Troll: Oh what happened?

Vito: Poor thing

Then Clay and Branch went in the car

Clay started to hot wire the car and get it to work

Branch: What can I do Clay?

Clay: Why don't you be on look out

Branch: Ok

Then Branch saw something

Branch: Clay I think there's something back there

Clay: I only got one wire left

Then Branch fell and hit the keys which made the car start

Since Clay was biting the wires he got electrocuted and was sent out of the car and Branch's paw got caught on a wire

Then Bruce licked Vito in the face when he heard the engine start and ran away

Clay was sent into a light then the bulb fell and hit Sync in the head and knocked some sense back into him

Vito: Poppy! Peppermint!

Poppy: Oh you poor thing

Vito: Are you 2 alright?

Peppermint: We're fine Vito

In the ally

John Dory: Where's the kid?

Clay: *coughs* He must still be in the car man

Then the car went away

Floyd: The poor thing

John Dory: You were supposed to keep an eye on him Clay

Clay: *coughs* Yeah well it's hard to keep an eye on anything when you're being barbecued

Floyd: What do we do John?

John Dory: You guys go back to Axel Clay you and I will go after the kid

Clay: Alright vamos!

Then the 2 went after the car and the others went to find Axel

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