On the Run

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Gils POV:

I stopped suddenly when a branch snapped under my feet. I hope she didn't hear that or all of this would have been for nothing. If she's gone before those two idiots show up than things are going to get tricky.

I moved behind some trees only a couple feet away from my mate. A sweet smell filled my nose of vanilla and jasmine that was starting to drive me wild. A groan left my lips as I rearranged the bulg in my pants before returning my gaze to her.

God she's perfect.

I watched her petite frame sprawl out the blanket before plopping that juicy ass down. I leaned back against a tree for what felt like hours before I mind linked my brothers.

What is taking you idiots so long? I know you dumbasses can sense her anxiety. She's alert and knows somethings up so get your asses up here. I snarled out

Almost there gil. Jax replied

Yea chill out man. Calix responded with an attitude as usual.

Grumpy ass guy for being in his early 20's. All I could do was sit back and wait now as the sun just kept lowering. I will admit the view was nice but I had other priorities that needed to be taken care of first. I knew it was time when I heard my brothers snarls from the woods as they sprinted towards the man.

Once they reached him I stepped out from the trees and just watched and waited. Seeing how terrified she was only made me crave her more. I was fighting with my wolf to keep him at bay. After hearing the crunch I couldn't help but smirk as I waited for her next move.

Avinas POV:

My eyes quickly darted over to Mason as tears stung my eyes, streaming down my face uncontrollably. In front of my eyes was that same wolf who was just shot with Masons neck in its jaws, his body already limp under the beast. Before I could even fully process what had happened both wolves and their eyes locked on me.

My body was trembling, I couldn't control it but I finally managed to free myself from the frizen state I was in. My legs slowly started to move as I walked backwards. I wanted to run so bad but knew it wouldn't be smart. They're wolves so they have to have a high prey drive right? Me running would probably only make it worse for me. I kept taking small steps back until my backside was flush against something solid.

My gaze slowly shifted up to see what I ran into. It could have been a tree for gods sake but I was so paranoid I just had to know for sure. It's a good thing I did because I wasn't against a damn tree, I was backed into a fucking giant. A man who couldn't have been older than 24 and he had to be 6'6, maybe a little taller. Even though it was dark out I could see his jet black hair shining with the moons light that reached down to his chiseled jaw. I couldn't really see his eyes... was it really that dark I couldn't see his eyes or are his eyes just that dark?... it was... unsettling to say the least. His body felt so strong and muscular and I couldn't help but allow myself to melt into him. I had almost forgotten about the wolves that were standing in front of me. My attention quickly turned towards Mason who still hadn't moved before I looked up at the man I had bumped into with tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Help me please!" I cried out but it sounded so pathetic. My voice was so shaky I sounded like a child. He just looked down at me and smirked. My lips parted slightly. I was a crying trembling mess and he's just smirking at me?! I know damn well he can see exactly what I'm seeing. There's no shot in hell he doesn't notice a dead fucking body and two big ass wolves in front of him right?! So why the fuck is he smirking at me?

"Now now princess. You have no reason to be afraid, right boys?" His voice was so deep, almost demonic like. It sent a shiver straight through my body, down to my core and I felt my core heating up. I whimpered slightly and squeezed my thighs together.

Hold up, wait a minute. Am I really this mentally fucked that this man's voice, a complete stranger nonetheless just turned me on?! After everything that just happened? And why is he talking to those monsters like they understand him. The look of disgust and guilt were plastered on my face. As I was getting lost in my thought my attention quickly snapped to the sound of bones breaking and snapping.

I whimpered again remembering the cracking sound that came from Masons neck as I looked at his lifeless body for the third time. I was just torturing myself at this point and I knew I was going to have nightmares from this, if I even survived. I felt more tears welt in my eyes before my body froze, once again unable to move. The two beast that were just in front of me had been replaced with men.... Butt ass naked men.

They were both also tall. Probably around 6'4-6'6. They looked so similar to the man I had forgotten was directly behind me. The only real difference was the eye colors and their body types. All three were muscular and strong looking but the one with the green eyes looked ripped as hell, he didnt look as big as the man I was against but still it was impressive. The blue eyes man was more tone than the other two but he looked good... Wait a minute... the eyes!

"There's no fucking way..." I whispered to myself before I felt a hand brush my hair out of my face. Another shiver shit through my body as my cheeks flushed pink. My mouth was definitely hanging open at the sight in front of me.

"Trying to catch flys sweetheart?" The blue eyed man smirked my way causing me to squirm a little.

"If the flys refuse I'll put that pretty little mouth to good use" Growled the green eyed man.

My heart was racing. I had to run now, I had no other choice because things were only going to get worse from here. I knew it would be a 5 mile run but I can feel my inner flash coming out. As I felt a large hand move down to my shoulder I quickly jolted my elbow back and it landed right in the guys ribs. He groaned and stumbled back a little bit and I bolted. I sprinted faster than I thought I could move down the trail. I had completely forgotten that I had my gun in my hand and it was definitely time to use it.

I could hear them behind me, almost feel their breath down my neck. I didn't even make it a mile before I tripped over some roots that were sticking up on the trail. I got up as quickly as possible and went to take off again but soon a hand wrapped around my hair and yanked me back.

I yelped at the sudden force before once again I was in the grasp of the tallest man. My body was trembling as I fumbled with the gun trying to point it at the man who was gripping my hair roughly. Before I could pull the trigger one of the other men came up from behind and wrapped a hand around my throat as the third easily took the gun from my grip.

"You could have really hurt me princess" His voice somehow sounded deeper as he yanked my hair back, forcing my gaze to meet his. I could only imagine how desperate and vulnerable I must look right now. I squirmed against the two bodies but their grips only tightened and soon my body went limp beneath me as I continued to stare into this man's eyes.

"I-I'm sorry p-please don't kill me" I begged as tears filled my eyes again. God I was pathetic.

"We won't kill you love but you do belong to us now do you understand?" The grip tightened around my throat as a growl escaped his mouth. All I could do was just nod my head in defeat. Before I knew it there was a cloth over my mouth. I blinked rapidly for a few seconds trying not to inhale but eventually I gave in and there was nothing but darkness surrounding me.

( I hope you're enjoying so far! )

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