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Billies p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of loud giggles and sat up seeing Mila laying on my back with her little feet in the air giggling at them Every time they move

I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled I turned around and started tickling her and she squealed loudly

Billie: how'd you get out of your crib miss Mila

I say laughing she laughs too and grabs my nose I smiled and kissed her head picking her up setting her on my hip as I walked back to her room to change her

Mila Is two years old almost three and she's somehow been climbing out of her crib into my room

Today I'm taking her to a speech specialist because Mila hasn't talked yet she hasn't even had her first word yet

I talked to her doctor about it and they recommended that she sees a speech specialist

I finished changing her diaper then put her in a cute outfit with a bow acelyn took Kaia and willow out to spend time with them

Since the new baby is coming soon me and acelyn have been trying to spend one on one time with each of the girls knowing they might not get as much attention as they usually do with the new baby

So after Mila's appointment I'm gonna take her to do something fun just me and her

I buckled her in the car seat then got in the car driving to her appointment once we arrived

I picked Mila up out of the car and she wanted to walk so I set her in the ground and held her hand

We walked in the office and they took her back to do the speech therapy session with the specialist

After Mila was done they brought her back out and I picked her up seeing she was a bit upset

Specialist: hello are you Billie the mother

Billie: yes I am did everything go okay

Specialist: yes everything went fine but we do have a bit concerns about your daughter

Billie: what are the concerns

I say sounding worried and adjust Mila on my hip so she doesn't fall asleep

Specialist: Mila is very high on the autism spectrum and we thought it be best if you took her to get a autism evaluation or Neuropsychological Testing there both basically the same thing but we think Mila should be tested yes

Billie: oh wow I had no idea I will make an appointment as soon as possible thank you

Specialist: of course here's my card if you have any questions and they'll also answer any questions you have and will tell you how the process will go

Billie: okay thank you have a nice day

Specialist: you too bye bye Mila

She says and waves nicely to Mila I smiled as Mila squealed and hid her face in my neck

I led the office and put Mila back in her car seat then just sat in the car for awhile spacing off thinking about what the specialist told me

Suddenly my phone started ringing with a call from Acelyn I snapped out of my spacing off and answered the phone

Billie: hello

Acelyn: hi love whatcha doing how'd did Milas appointment go are you too okay

Billie: she needs to go to another specialist

Acelyn: why what happened is she okay

Billie: Mila might have autism

I say with a weak smile and acelyn facial expression changed

adopted by Billie eilish》Where stories live. Discover now