Chapt - 21 - Rhyss

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I came with her, Well we visited the most expensive stores, But she just couldn't find the dress she wanted,

"Noo! I-i don't want these! I-i know a store but you keep taking me to expensive shit and stuff." She exclaimed in the car,

"Its either you take me there, Or ill drive there myself, Rhyss!" She exclaimed, I can't stand her whining, I just can't see her like this,

"Where even is that store, Baby?" I ask her softly as i lean into her seat, Trying to talk her out of it,

"Ill just put the Ways in the phone, Follow it." She says to me, Angry as she took out her phone and put in the ways,

And i obeyed, Not that im scared, I'm not scared, I just can't see her like that,

I drive to the destination she wanted, Where a cheeky streets, Where did she even find these kind of shops?

"We're here." I say as i park infront of an Antique store, Where it's full of dresses, And gowns, Well, I guess she knew where she'd buy a dress,

"Lauvuer?" I read out the sign confused, "Yes!" She exclaimed, Well now im relieved, She's happy, So im happy,

She got out of the car, And opened the door of the shop, smiling, And i saw her smiling at a guy.

I quickly got out of the car and followed inside as i fixed my suit, and glared at the guy she smiled at,

"This this! Alex!" She exclaimed, I turned my head to see, Amarie picking out the most beautiful dress... Who's alex?

"Baby? Alex? Who's alex?" I ask as i step forward to her, and lean down, "care to explain who's alex?"

"Him, The shop owner, He's gay, Rhyss, You're really stupid to think that, Alex, The owner. He's gay, Gay." She smiles as Alex stepped beside Amarie and smiled as he took her to the changing room,

I follow behind them as Amarie got inside the changing stall, Waiting, Sitting in the sofa infront of the changing stall,

She got out, Fuck... She's so Beautiful.

"It fits you, So fucking well, Baby." I say as i stand up to take a good look of my future wife , and she knows she's Beautiful, Just not admitting the fucking fact that i could come just by looking at her,

"Thank you, Rhyss." She smiled softly as her cheeks turned, Pinkish red, My baby, Is too fucking cute, I love her, And I can't believe she's mine, She's mine forever,

I'll never get tired of looking at her, She's just so fucking beautiful that all i think about is her, Her, Her,

God forbid me if i think about her all the time, there's never a day where i don't think of her, and there's always a minute where i remember her, in the piece of lingrie i bought her,

I really want her to wear it, if possible, everyday at the house, then so I'd gift her the whole fucking store so she can pick Whatever color she wants,

I snap back to her face when i saw her smiling while looking down, seeing the laces that wrap around the bodice, The beautiful rhinestones, the little sparkly stones that's placed on the hips, and bows,

Her eyes sparkling the same as the stones shining under the sun, they fit her, too fucking well that i can't wait to see her dolled up and walking down the aisle, for me,

If only i could travel in the future, id travel in the day we get married, tomorrow, And she'll be mine,

Forever, and I'll never leave her side, always.

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