Chapt - 18 - Rhyss

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She figured she couldn't get away after she has jumped from my hands,

I picked her up after and put her inside my car, Then we drove to the hospital, That... Well, My brother owns,

It was really good to see my brother's Hospital growing, and he's successfully married with his Arrange Marriage that Father had set up,

We eat in the main house every once in a while, but I don't attend often because, Im  afraid, Amarie might... Whatever,

I parked infront of the hospital and got out, I opened the door for Amarie and offered my hand, Which she ignored and got out,

I follow behind her as we walk inside the Hospital, She was greeted with the receptionist,

"How can we help you guys today?" The girl said, Not even bothering to look at Amarie when all she does is oggle me,

Which i look at Amarie, Her eyes we're filled with fury and jealousy, Just what i like,

"You can go ahead and ask my girlfriend what happened to her, im not the patient here." I said as my hand wrapped around her waist,

Amarie looked up shocked, And apparently angry too, But i don't care, She's mine, She just doesn't know it yet,

"I have a fever, i don't know what caused this, And I've been fainting recently..." She said as her elbows rested on the receptionists table,

The nurse told us to go to a private room and she would call the doctor right away,

We did, i found her a private room, with AC, Cause i know she HATES hot shit,

"Why did you tell her I'm your girlfriend, When clearly I'm not!" She quietly exclaimed, i chuckled...

"Because you will, Amarie... You'll be mine." I told her, Pinning her with my gaze as the doctor comes in shocked,

"Rhyss..?" I heard a familiar voice call out, i looked back to see... Carl, my brother, i never thought he'd be a doctor

In his own hospital,

"Carl..." I sigh, well he looked like he grown so much, father Sold him off somewhere he'd earn money,

"How's Angelica doing, Are you guys still together? Married?" I ask, He just nodded and smiled,

He walked over to Amarie as he continues while he examines Amarie, "we're fine, Happy... We have a child now, If I hadn't accepted that Arrangement, I wouldn't be here..."

I patted his shoulder and smiled, Not clearly what i do, but Amarie looked at me happy, it's the first time she's seen me smile, So she doesn't know it's fake... At all,

"that's good for you Carl..." As he finished examining Amarie,

"She's Anemic, And she's low in iron, She just need some protein, That can be found in foods, And... Profound Sex, The male semen helps sometimes, But not everyday,"

He smiled as he left us in the room, "Well, You heard the doctor, Sex." I smiled playfully as i found her cheeks Flushed,

She's really beautiful, Like beautiful as fuck.

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