She woke up to the sound of some disturbance from nearby. Unaiza lazily opened her eyes and they went over to the ceiling. Now the noise became more apparent and coherent as she realized it was coming from the washroom. She stared at the other side of the bed and found it empty. It must be Huzaifa inside.

Unaiza got up and then rubbed her eyes to remove the sleep out of them. She hastily got hold of her doll and then pushed it under the bed so that Huzaifa couldn't look at it. She maybe needed to drop this habit of hers to sleep with the help of this toy.

Her phone rang, bringing her out of her thoughts. It is revealed to be Nisha. She smiled and quickly answered it.

"AssalamoAlaikum Nisha Api."

"Walaikum Assalam, Iza. How are you?"

"I am good, Alhamdullilah," she replied, putting her palm over her mouth to stop a yawn.

"Is Huzaifa nearby you?" Nisha asked as she could hear an ironic glint in her tone.

Unaiza slightly laughed. "No. Why?"

"Maybe I shouldn't repeat it again and again but I am just worried for you, Iza. Is his behavior really okay with you? He is my cousin but he is a guy too. Guys don't take things to heart usually. But they don't know what impact certain things can have on a girl's heart. If he says anything bad to you, you shouldn't take it lightly. Make him realize that you are his wife and you deserve respect," Nisha explained.

Everyone thought Huzaifa would be a rude, arrogant, and full of anger-type husband because he couldn't get the girl he wanted as a wife. Their instructions to also seemed to be revolving around the same lines. Who would tell them that it was the total opposite? He opted for that dangerous way which was alluring and captivating.

The game was sensual and he was playing with her and she had to find her way to stand on the same level as him. It wasn't easy. Maybe if he got to know someday that she was very much smitten by him, he would upgrade his game because his existing tactics of his were too simple for a girl like her to fall for them who loved him for so many years. The cat and mouse game this was. Playing it was tricky but enticing at the same time. But once the cat would catch the mouse, it would be over for once. Many secrets would be revealed and there would be only defeat in her fate.

Huzaifa would win it while this would be her biggest doom.

She shuddered at her thoughts. Huzaifa should never know that she loved him. That would be her own setback.

"Yes Nisha Api. You don't worry," she at last said.

"Well, we will talk about this in detail in person. I called you because I am inviting you and Huzaifa for a dinner at my place this weekend," Nisha told her.

"There was no need for any formality, Nisha Api," she mumbled, with a smile.

"Now I will get angry, Iza. There is no formality between us. The dinner is just an excuse. I want to spend time with you both. Maybe I can knock some sense into Huzaifa'a head too," she chuckled in the end.

"I'll have to ask Huzaifa about this first. He may have some work to do," she asserted, looking at the closed door of the en suite.

"I'll talk to him myself. There is no way he can say no. So it's decided, this Sunday, we are having dinner together," Nisha said.

"Okay Nisha Api. As you say. Thanks for inviting me," she murmured.

"Allah, I am so happy Iza that you just remained in our circle after marriage. Marriage with Huzaifa is an extra perk. This way we can always remain in a meeting-level touch." Nisha seemed excited as she recalled this fact. Perhaps that was one of the reasons too why Unaiza was happy too. First was of course Huzaifa's companionship.

"That's what is my relief too, Nisha Api. I can stay among you all for the rest of my life is a blessing for me. Maybe I did something really good that Allah blessed me with this," she declared, slightly grinning.

"You are already nice yourself Iza and you deserve the best. Huzaifa will realize this soon if not now."

"Okay, sweetheart have some rest. I need to check on the children. I am sure Aliyan wouldn't wake up for school unless I grant him a visit. We will meet soon In Sha Allah."

"Fine Nisha Api. Allah Hafiz."

"Allah Hafiz."

And soon a sight in front of her made her heart almost stop beating. The cat and mouse game which she was thinking about, she knew she would lose any time. Because Huzaifa was already in his swimming shorts, showing the full glory of his torso and face to her.

Gosh, this was too much.

A game where the prey wants to be caught by the predator and doesn't want it at the same time. Unaiza thought she was growing a split personality because the lovestruck girl in her right now wanted to just forget everything and explore her hidden feelings attached to Huzaifa by breaking every boundary.

Didn't Aqia Mama call me the most innocent girl she ever saw?

No, Aqia Mama was hella wrong because my thoughts right now were not anywhere near innocent.

God, I was doomed.


AssalamoAlaikum/ Hi guys!

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Here's a new chapter. ❤


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