He made one final sweep of the house before going to bed, it was late, just after midnight. He checked to see that everyone was asleep, saving Ebru's room for last. He quietly opened the door to hear sniffles. Kiraz had her head buried in her knees and was crying, Serkan walked into the room, "Kiraz? What's wrong?"

She turned her tearful face to him, "I had a bad dream. I want my mama. She said I could call her but I don't have a phone."

Serkan picked her up and carried her out of the room leaving Ebru sleeping soundly, "Let's go downstairs and call your mama." He brought Kiraz into his office and sat her on his lap while he called Eda.

The buzzing of her phone woke her. Why was Serkan calling, Eda was awake immediately, "Serkan? What's wrong?"

"Calm down Eda, someone here wants to talk to you. She had a bad dream," he handed the phone to Kiraz who began to cry all over again. That wasn't all she did, the little girl leaned on his chest, cuddling into him. He stroked her hair in an effort to calm her.

Kiraz handed the phone back to Serkan, "Mama wants to talk to you."


"Do you mind if I stop over for a little while? If she isn't calmed down I can take her home with me."

"That's fine," he said dully, "I'll send you the code for the gate and leave the door unlocked."

Eda didn't even bother to brush her hair, she threw on a pair of shorts and a bralette before tossing on an old sweatshirt. She hurried downstairs and shoved her feet into her sandals and was out the door in under five minutes. Eda was thankful that they were so close. She could have run there but if she had to bring Kiraz home it was better to have the car. She entered the code to Serkan's gate and drove down to the house, parking the car and silently letting herself in the house. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness and then she saw them. Serkan sitting on the sofa with Kiraz in his lap, clinging to him, his eyes were closed and he was rubbing her daughters back.

He said softly, "She fell asleep about two minutes after I came in here with her."

She came further into the living room and Serkan could see her better. If he thought that she was stunning with her hair, makeup and business clothes on they paled in comparison to her now. Eda, without a touch of makeup, her hair a wild mess down her back, in shorts and a sweatshirt was incomparable. Serkan watched as she made her way next to him and sat as close as she could to get to Kiraz. He watched as she tenderly wiped the tears from her daughters face.

"She's sound asleep again. Should we just put her back in bed? I can stay a little while to make sure she doesn't wake again if that's alright with you."

Serkan turned sleepy eyes to her, "You can stay as long as you like Eda," preferably forever he wanted to add.

Eda took her sleeping daughter from Serkan's arms and followed him upstairs to put back to bed. Serkan watched as she gave Kiraz a kiss goodnight and brushed the hair from her face. Eda gave the same tender attention to Ebru too, smoothing her curls from her face. He pushed away from the doorframe as she stood and followed him downstairs.

"Could I get you something to drink? Coffee, tea, water?"

"Lemon water if you have it," Serkan poured them both a glass of water and brought it to her on the sofa.

"I'm sorry to intrude on you so late Serkan, thank you though for letting her call me," he didn't say anything to her right away and then turned to her.

Serkan had to know, "Have I done something to offend you? From the first meeting you seemed to be angry with me. I don't know if that's the correct word but for some reason you seemed to not like me and I didn't even know you."

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