Chapter 29: Where there's Smoke, there's Fire

Start from the beginning

Her words made me realize I couldn't allow fear to paralyze me. If Hassan or his family decided to view me as a villain, then so be it. I was done letting what people thought of me, get to me.

I was done.

I walked over to Hassan's house and Hala answered.

"Omar" she smiled.

"Is Hassan home?"

"He is...please, come in."

And inside I walked.

Anas was here too as were his brother's Moadh, Harith and Tariq.

We sat in the living room, my heart racing hard against my ribcage. Their eyes were on me and again, I hated attention. It was why I rarely put myself out there like others, most notably my uncle, aunt, and cousins.

They were used to being in the spotlight whereas, I wasn't. But realization was always hitting me upside the head, telling me to get used to it because being around them, living with them, I was going to be in that territory more times than I was ever going to be able to count.

"What brings you over?" asked Hala, smiling, which was a shock.

"Well...I wanted to come and apologize for my behavior and how I acted with Hassan."

"Your uncle and aunt told us more about your situation and everything you've been through, and knowing how your brother stabbed and nearly killed you not once but twice, I suppose I was...or rather, we were harsh with you when you really didn't deserve it" said Hala.

"I understand why you reacted the way you did and I'm sure Yacine made it sound a lot worse than it was, but I only medicated because I was having a hard time falling asleep and I was going crazy."

"And you preferred to use a natural substance instead of sleeping pills?" asked Anas.

"Yeah, pretty much. But look, I only came to apologize to you guys and to Hassan, though I didn't come here expecting anything in return."

"You know, you're just as your aunt and uncle described you as" said Kamel.

"And how did they describe me?" I was now curious.

"You're humble, you do for others without expecting anything in return. And when you do, you do it out of the kindness of your heart" he said.

"I'm not perfect, as you've all seen but I try and I do my best to own up to my mistakes and believe me, I've made lots of them."

"And it's what we've come to learn about you" said Hala. "And how we realized we made a mistake in how we treated you."

"Maybe if you and Hassan spoke and cleared the air, you could be friends all over again" said Harith, who was initially the one who decided to throw the first blow when I dealt with Hassan harshly.

It was ironic.

"Maybe" I pessimistically said.

"I'm sure you guys can settle your differences. Besides, you're both young, pretty much the same age, and you have a lot in common" Anas added.

"Yeah" said Moadh, with a smile.

Then Hassan showed up and I could tell he was anything but happy to see me. Then again, I only came to clear the air and apologize, without expecting anything from him.

Second Chances: a Coincidences novel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now