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Maude Ivory nearly collapses into your arms as soon as her frail figure gets through the door, sobbing barely audible nonsense. "No...you can't go again- you aren't going again!"

You comfort her as best you can. She's been taken back, with the rainbow dress, your similar features, and the reaping, she's not thinking straight. The Peacekeepers come in too soon and take your only carer away for the final time.

Next up is your only friend, Katniss, and her little sister. Prim envelopes you in an embrace, Katniss following shortly after. The older Everdeen begins a lecture, "Focus on survival skills, but try to master some type of weapon, a knife or something. Maybe even get someone to help you with a bow. Just try hard, okay?" Her voice cracks at the end, returning to the group hug. Then, they're gone.

Now, we welcome Mr. Mellark. He's clearly been crying. He must have just seen his youngest son. He gruffly mutters "I'll look after the old lady for you, make sure she's eating and all."

"Thank you." Is all you can get out before he's out again.

You ard led to a shining black car, which you share the back seat with Rye, Effie plopped in between. The escort babbles, "How exciting! A singer and a baker! Oh, wait till you meet..." Rye, clearly uninterested with her rant, glances between you and the view of the district, blue eyes glassy with fear.

Eventually, the car comes to a halt at the station, and you get ushered into the glistening train, cameras clicking at every given view of the pair of you. It's stupid, you'll get plenty of pictures when you're in the Capitol, so why bother at the station? You climb up into the high-speed train, getting your first view of the interior. It's the prettiest thing you've probably ever seen - everything clean, neat, and colorful. It's like a strange dream.

Effie gets you seated in a plush navy sitting area, before going off to 'find Haymitch'. Haymitch Abernathy, the most recent Victor and only mentor for 12. He's a drunk, and is known to fall off stages and hug strangers when he's drunk too much before a public appearance. It always adds a bit of humor, seeing him make an idiot of himself. He wasn't there today, though. Maybe he's finally been told to wait on the train?

Surprisingly, Haymitch staggers into the car the other way than where Effie went. She's on a wild goose chase. He falls into the seat opposite you before making his first comment, speech slurred. "So...a songbird, eh? Guess you're just a fragile little district darling, right?"

This annoys you. You know well he's heavily drunk, but that doesn't mean he can just assume things. You aren't district, you're Covey.The Covey have always been strong, hard working people - they had to be, they traveled all over non-stop. Frustrated, you snap at him. "I'm Covey. Not District. And certainly not fragile. Don't you try assuming things ever again, or I'll show you sense. "

Haymitch, actually listening, stands up, sets down his glass and gestures for you to get up. "Come on! ' Show me some sense'!"

You look at his stance. It's strong, sure, but his ankles are open to a kick. He throws a punch your way, you duck and grip onto the ankle and yank it forwards, sending Haymitch tumbling to the ground. Some small applause comes from Rye, who's finally beaming, proud of your work.You grin back, proud of yourself too. Abernathy just grunts, still flat on the carpet.

𝙄'𝙇𝙇 𝙎𝙀𝙇𝙇 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝘼 𝙎𝙊𝙉𝙂 - 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙃𝙐𝙉𝙂𝙀𝙍 𝙂𝘼𝙈𝙀𝙎Where stories live. Discover now