four* -repub-

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At Charlie's, Brianna and Charlie lie in his bed, the tv droning on in the background. Brianna stares up at him, watching him instead of the tv. He looks at when he feels her watching him, he smiles softly. She kisses his jaw, wrapping her arm tighter around him. His arms tighten as well before one hand comes up, stroking her hair. Her eyes close as she snuggles into his side, burying herself deeper in his hold. "Get some sleep, little one." He says softly, continuing to pet her hair. She sighs contently as he plants a kiss on her head. "I don't wanna go to sleep yet. I wanna be with you. I finally get the chance to be with Charlie Swan and he wants me to sleep." She shakes her head, sitting up. "Brianna, you've got plenty of time to be with me." He laughs softly.

She huffs, looking down at him before he sits up. "Okay, okay, we'll stay up for a little while." He smiles when she grins, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him sweetly. They curl up together, her leg over his waist, his fingers trailing up and down the side of her thigh. He looks at her, her eyes on him but not focused on him. "What're you thinking about, little one?" "What if Bella doesn't approve of us being together? Are you gonna stop wanting me?" She questions shakily. He quickly sits them up, pulling her completely into his lap. "Brianna, I could never not want you." "Even if Bella doesn't want us together?" Her bottom lip quivers. "Even if Bella doesn't want us together." He assures.

She takes in a shaky breath, looking at him. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in. His arms snake around her waist, keeping her tight to him. "I'll keep wanting you even if you stop wanting me." He states, knowing that he and Brianna aren't gonna be together forever. She's eighteen, this is a simple crush because she's been around him her whole life. She looks up at him. "I could never not want you." She repeats his words, leaning toward him. "You're all I ever wanted, Charlie." She says quietly. He smiles, his eyes taking her kind features in. She's a bit on the chubby side but he adores it. Her soft jawline fits her face perfectly. "Do you have clothes I can borrow? My jeans aren't that comfortable." She says, looking away as her face goes red. He nods.

"Of course, little one." He moves her off his lap, standing. He grabs a, larger than he'd normally wear, t-shirt, handing it to her. "I'll change in the bathroom." He kisses her forehead, walking out. She quickly changes, slipping the shirt over her head. His smell envelopes her, calming her nerves. Charlie knocks, not wanting to enter if she's still changing. She opens the door, looking up at him. He immediately scans her over, eyes stopping at her thighs. She wraps her arms around herself. "No, no, Brianna, you look adorable." He assures. "I feel like I'm too fat to wear just a t-shirt." His hands grip her hips, pulling her to him. "I love your tummy." He kisses her forehead, smiling when she goes red. His hand comes up, fingertips trailing her jaw.

"Come on, let's get to bed." He says, picking her up. She squeals. "Put me down!" He laughs, dropping her onto the mattress. "As you wish, little one." He smiles when she laughs, leaning down and kissing her softly. She wraps her arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss. He deepens the kiss, crawling into the bed beside her. He positions himself over her, between her legs, a hand on either side of her head. He pulls back, keeping his weight off her with one hand while the other comes up, trailing her jaw carefully. "You're beautiful." He mumbles. She goes red, looking away from him. He quickly grabs her jaw, making her look at him again. "Don't look away from me." He says, voice husky as pulls her face closer. "Sorry, sir." She teases.

He swallows nervously, knowing she was being sarcastic but being called 'sir,' in this setting, had more than an effect on him. She notices the shift in his confidence. "Did I do something wrong?" "Of course not! I just, uh, wasn't expecting to find that as attractive as I did." He explains. She laughs, looking up at him as he looks anywhere but her. She reaches up, gripping his jaw and pulling his face down to hers. "Did you like it... sir?" She asks seductively, biting her lip softly. He groans, leaning down, pressing his lips to hers aggressively. She pulls back only for him to connect their lips again, carefully putting more of his weight onto her while his other hand slides under her shirt, gripping her hip. "Charlie." She whines. He moves kisses down her neck softly.

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