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The next morning, Brianna stands at the station, longer than she should, talking to Charlie. She was only wearing a long sleeve and jeans. They're arguing about whether she should take the flannel he's got in his cruiser. It isn't much but it's something, he said. "I'm fine, Charlie." She laughs. He shakes his head. "No, come on. You're wearing it." He states, setting his hand on the small of her back and walking her outside. As soon as the wind hits her, she shivers. He scowls at her. "You're shivering." "I'm fine." She says again. "You either take it or my jacket." He says with finality in his voice. "I can't take your jacket." "Then wear the flannel." She huffs, playfully glaring up at him. "Yessir." "Thank you." He grumbles, handing it to her.

She slips the flannel around her shoulders, it wasn't much but it did help. She smiles up at him gratefully. His heart flutters seeing her in his clothes. He wants to scold himself for thinking about her this way. He's forty one for God's sake, she's eighteen, he can't think about her this way. After staring at each other for a minute, she looks away, her face red. "I gotta get to school." "Be careful." He says, ruffling her hair. She grins, going even redder. "Yessir." He smiles, shaking his head and carefully pushing the small of her back. "Go on." She smiles at him one more time before walking to her car. Charlie walks back into the station, finding her coffee sitting on his desk. He wants so badly to see her again, but he couldn't justify a trip just to give her coffee.

But she does every morning. He decides to leave it, which, it's best he did because a minute later, she walks back in, taking it off his desk. "See you later, Chief." "Be careful." He calls after her. She smiles, walking out. The following days continued almost the same, except she had a heavier jacket on after she was playfully scolded by her father since Charlie said something to him. She walks into the station, setting her dad's coffee on his desk before walking to Charlie. "Morning, Chief." "Morning." He smiles softly. "I see you've got an actual jacket on." He says jokingly. "Only cause you told my dad." She rolls her eyes playfully. "Watch the attitude, little one." He points at her. He's called her little one practically her whole life, but it feels different.

She goes red, nodding. "Yessir." "Get to school." He motions her out as he sips his coffee. "I don't wanna." "I'm not sure Bill will agree to another paperwork day." He says. She huffs, nodding. "See you later, Chief." "Be careful." She grins. "Always am." At the end of the school day, Bella pulls Brianna over to her truck, telling her about the strange interactions with Edward Cullen. "Don't let it get to you. It's Edward. He's kinda weird, I mean that in the absolute nicest way possible." Brianna shrugs. They stand for a moment before a horn honks, they both quickly turn, finding Tyler's van barreling straight toward them. Brianna barely gasps before she's quickly pushed away, her head hits the concrete.

She sits up, holding her head with a groan, automatically feeling sick to her stomach. She looks over to see Edward holding Bella against his body. People rush over, carefully helping Brianna up. "Bri, Bella, I'm so sorry, I panicked." Tyler says, his eyebrow bleeding. At the hospital, Charlie rushes in. "Bella. You okay?" He quickly walks over before pointing at Tyler. "You and I are gonna talk. You alright?" "I'm fine, dad. Calm down. Who we should be worried about is Brianna, she hit her head." Bella says, motioning to Brianna in the bed across the aisle. She sits with her knees to her chest, her head buried between her knees. "I heard the Chief's daughter was in." Carlisle Cullen says as he walks in. "Oh, Dr. Cullen." "Charlie." Carlisle greets him.

"Go check on Bri." Bella says to her dad. He quickly nods, walking to the girl. "Brianna." He says, setting his hand on her back. She carefully looks up, smiling as much she can with the fact that her head is killing her. "Chief Swan." She greets. "You doing okay?" He slides his finger under her chin, lifting her head further. "I'm fine." She says, shrugging. "Yeah?" He asks, not believing her. "Stand up for me." He says. She goes to stand when she groans, holding her head. "Dr. Cullen." He calls for the blonde who quickly walks over. "How're we today, Bri?" He asks. "She can't even stand." Charlie says as Bella walks over. Carlisle holds up a finger, shining a light into her eyes. She winces, looking away.

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