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I can never leave someone unhappy. When I told my parents I was going to become a police officer, Dad laughed while Mom shook her head. She sniffled as a thin stream of tears trickled down her cheeks, and I shuddered at the frosty chill of her hand, at the fragility of her fingers curling around my hand. Her eyes were rimmed with deep crimson. My stomach churned. I'd never seen her this sad in my life.

"Daiki," she whispered, "I can't bear to see you do this. You are a healer-- not a disciplinarian."

"Healing takes discipline," I pointed out, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

She nodded and later, when the tea was ready, I chatted and joked with her. Her smile was slow, but her laugh was quick and choppy -- like a little girl's. Hot, bitter tea warmed our insides and brought a childlike pink to our cheeks.

"That's why I'm still unsure about this policeman thing," Mom said, "You never like to leave someone sad."

Now as I recall my tea with Mrs. Terada, the earthy green tea and sweet crumbs of conversation, little did I want to realize how right she was.

--from the diary of Daiki Yagami

Officer Yagami drank the last drop of tea, feeling his body pulse with renewed warmth. He wanted to check his watch, but didn't want to look rude, so as he drank, he glanced at the digital at his wrist. An hour and a half? How could that be possible?! Oh, shit, I'm going to give Nishimoto a heart attack...!

"Is something the matter?"

Yagami jumped, startled by Mrs. Terada's voice. She watched him with worried eyes and ran her hand over his. He relaxed at the softness of her shivering touch.

"Oh, nothing, I just realized I have to get back to work. I hope you don't mind, Mrs. Terada." He stood and bowed slightly. "I enjoyed our tea together."

"Thank you, Officer," she replied, her face crinkling into a crooked-toothed grin, "You're so kind, for an officer. Maybe we'll meet again one day."

Yagami's lips twitched into a smile.

"Y-Yes, I hope so. Goodbye."


He walked outside and shut the door behind him. The fresh air was cool against his skin, so he took a deep breath, before releasing it into the universe. Huh! That's something The Writer likes to mention...I ought to read some more, he thought, shaking his head, It's corny, but the world really is big-- and my job, my life --it's all so tiny compared to a twinkling ancient galaxy. Maybe I should tell Nishimoto that...besides it's true! No way he could argue that. His heart skipped a beat, picturing the Sergeant's flushed angry face. Wait, maybe he can!

As he made his way down the street, Yagami noticed Officer Kikuchi. Kikuchi was writing a young woman a blue ticket for speeding in her small turquoise car, scowling as his meaty fist curled around the pen. A fist-writer, Yagami noted, How manly! He hadn't seen him in ages, but he never forgot how handsome Kikuchi was. In fact, it seemed that the man became more handsome over time-- his sideburns grew out, framing his plump cheeks and giving him an old-fashioned, aristocratic air. His pale-blue shirt stretched even tighter against his belly, and his thighs! Thick, fleshy thighs strained against midnight-blue pants, and when he turned away, Yagami noticed the cop's big butt wiggle as he walked. Oh my God, he thought, How could he have gained so beautifully?! And Tamako's his cousin, she's nice and soft, too. His mouth twisted. There's something sexy swimming in that Kikuchi blood, or the Nakajima. Would love to see the rest of the family....

"Hey, Yagami," Kikuchi greeted, waving his hand, "I haven't seen you in a while!"

Yagami shuddered, suddenly shoved back into reality.

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