Chapter 13: The Turnip Twist

Start from the beginning

Assistant Mayor Goldie: Ahhh!

Mayor Brunson: We already have one. Turnip Fest!

Pete: Ha! Good one! Oh, that wasn't a joke?

Scratch: Talk about dead in the water!

He notices the dead goldfish

Scratch: Ooh. Poor word choice.

The goldfish turn into the ghost

He tries to put the goldfish's soul back to its body but fails

Mayor Brunson: Sure, we haven't been able to fund Turnip Fest in decades, but back in the day, it was a real hit! Right, Goldie? Oh, sorry. Assistant Mayor Goldie.

He pretending to be the goldfish

Scratch: Bloop-bloop-bloop.

Pete: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, but we can't beat Perfektborg with turnips!

Molly: Yeah, turnips are just potatoes that went... horribly, horribly wrong!

He exclaims

Mayor Brunson: I will have no anti-turnip talk in this office, McGee's! Brighton was built on the back of the mighty turnip!

He takes a turnip

He chomp and eats it

He struggling to swallow it

He sighs

Mayor Brunson: They may not look like much, and they sure don't taste like much... but they're ours! Right, Assistant Mayor Goldie?

He finally puts the goldfish's soul back to its body

He sighs

Mayor Brunson: I knew you would

He kisses goldfish bowl

Mayor Brunson: You're my smartest adviser!

The McGee's are back home, they start to brainstorm how they'll make the festival happen

Nightwolf: Okay, all we gotta do is win Best Fest.

He starts to imagine the plan

Nightwolf: And that'll bring tourists. And tourists will bring...

Pete: Tourist money! Which means more funds to en-happify the town, winning us even more awards!

Molly: Nice usage of "en-happify."

Scratch: Hi. Reality here.

He shape shifted into a tiny Godzilla to break Molly and Nightwolf's and Pete's illusion

He screeches

Scratch: You're working with the turnip, which is what you'd get if earwax became a vegetable.

They sighs

Scratch: Guys, you know me, I'll eat anything. But a turnip? No way!

He quickly summoned by the Ghost Council

He throws the pizza he was eating to Molly and Nightwolf

Scratch: I'm coming back for that pizza!

The Ghost Council POV

He splats on the ground, the Ghost Council waiting for him

Scratch: Oof!

Sir Alister: Scratch, we need to talk.

Sir Alister: Your misery numbers

He showing him the Brighton's Misery meter, which is half-and-half at this point

The Ghost and Molly and Nightwolf McGee Season 1Where stories live. Discover now