It's good that Mr. Hookaah had some past contract dealings with Allard empire regarding a secret operation that we helped him with. Thanks to that acquaintance between us, I got to know a lot about Devon – nay – from now on, I should call him Mr. Codehead.

So, Codehead likes Darjeeling teas; teas in general is his favorite thing to drink.

If Darjeeling black tea is not the code, then it shouldn't that simple and straightforward one. What about 'The scent of Darjeeling'?

Sounds right but somehow sounds wrong at the same time.

"Uhm, 'The land of tea'?" I said after some thought. I know there is rather larger chances of me being wrong.

And I was right. I was indeed wrong.

Devon shook his head and raised a finger to tell me that I have one last chance to guess. Although I was prepared for it, losing still downed my spirits.

I really, truly and so desperately want to go on a tea date with him, know him, understand him, let him know me, understand me and at least become good friends before we take it further.

"No problem, no problem. There's still one chance to go. You can still do it. Just think straight but a little twisted." Ural Bethel cheered me.

Straight but a little twisted?

So, I have to think in a semi-contradicting manner, right?

Aiya, why is it so hard to invite this god for tea?

Before coming here, I was confident that I would be able to guess it right away, shock him and bring him out on a date.

Hah! Indeed, dreams are not the practical part of reality.

I took out my phone and entered 'Darjeeling' in the search engine. I first briefly studied the basic things about the place and it's history. After reading a couple of articles, I reverberated everything I read until now and now.

After thinking, I arrived at two possible straight, yet twisted codes that might work.

One – The ling of tea tree

It's written on the internet that 'Ling' from Darjeeling means land.

Two – Thunderbolt brew of leaves.

'Dorjo' from Darjeeling's old name means thunderbolt.

Both the codes seem equally possible which made me a little anxious. After much thought, I decided to leave the choosing to luck.

I requested for two small paper slips and a pen which Mr. Bethel got them immediately.

I wrote each of my answers on each of the paper slips and folded them in a similar manner. "Please help shuffle them for me." I handed both the folded paper slips to Mr. Bethel who shuffled them for me curiously.

Once shuffled, the slips are placed on the table before me. Now I don't know which code is on which slip. I did one thing that people usually do at the time of important decision making.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could."

I handed the slip where the poem ended to Mr. Bethel and sighed. "That's my answer. Please help me announce it."

I rubbed my hands, hoping for so much and planning for so very much.

Mr. Bethel gave me an enlightened glance as if he found a solution for his most troubling problem and nodded at me gratefully.

Why and for what he is grateful about, I don't know.

Mr. Bethel opened the slip and looked between me and Codehead for few times.

My face, although looked calm, I'm actually very nervous inside.

Codehead, on the other hand, looks as if he is not bothered by anything at all. It's as if, I lose, it's okay; I win, he will get a cup of tea. That's it.

How am I supposed to gain his attention if he shows no interest in a girl as beautiful and sexy as me?

I am not boasting about it but I am really extremely pleasing to eyes. Beautiful, sexy, between petite and curvaceous; I am an imperfect perfection of a perfectly imperfect world.

He can even resist my beauty, this man –

I don't know what else to take him as!

"And the answer is –" Mr. Bethel created the atmosphere of a quiz competition as he drummed his fingers on the coffee table.

Once the atmosphere is just right, he giggled as he looked between me and Codehead before announcing the answer.

"And the most awaited answer is – Even I don't know if this one is right or wrong but I want to tell you that the track is the right one. Even though you are new to this, I appreciate Ms. Allard, deep from my heart, for getting the hang of it so soon. You have a bright future."

Who asked you for such an impromptu speech?

Just out with the answer. I'm dying from with all the anxiety building up inside me.

"Shut up and out with it." It took one commanding, hoarse and female pantie wetting voice for Mr. Bethel to reveal the answer.

"Okay, okay, don't go all ape on me. And the answer is – da dan da da – 'Thunderbolt brew of leaves'. Dan dana dan dan. Is it correct? Is it? Is it?" Mr. Bethel asked for results almost like a possessed nun in horror movies.

However, even I'm anxious to know the results now. To be honest, I was more leaned towards the other option than this one.

I and Mr. Bethel looked at the passive looking bored and nonchalantly serious Codehead with curious and expectant gazes.

Codehead looked at both of us for a couple of time before stopping his gaze on me.

"Tomorrow, five in the afternoon. If you are late, the deal is cancelled." Saying, he stood up and left, leaving me and Mr. Bethel with our jaws hanging down.

It took both of us to revert back to reality and we did, both of us, who were strangers until half and hour before, hollered and hugged each other as if we won a great battle against a demon.

Unexpectedly, that was the right code.

That was the right code!

Yoo hoo!


Hello Sweeties,

Next chapter is here. Enjoy!

what do you think about the chapter? Boring?

It took such struggle to win one tea date with Devon; imagine what Illaria has to go through to win him all over.

Do you think Illaria has a long ride to take in the future?

What are your views on the nickname 'Codehead' she gave him?

It seems like Ural and Illaria are situationally bond friends.

Will Illaria get hang of Devon and his condition?

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Lots of Love

Lady Prim

Cracking Mr. Codehead (DA Series Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now