The Tickle Monster Starts His Work

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Anna suddenly climbed onto Elsa, reached under Elsa's shirt, and squeezed her sides. "HAHAHAHA!" she immediately giggled.

Anna smirked. "Still ticklish as ever, I see."

Elsa tried to get off the couch, but Anna wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her back. She reached inside of the arms of Elsa's shirt and tickled her armpits. "HEH-HEE-AAHAHAHAHA!"

"See, there's that laughter I love to hear."


"No. The tickle monster just started his work, Elsa. So just sit here and take it."

Elsa tried to stand up and jump off the couch, but Anna caught her on the way down and held her ankles together while placing Elsa's knees on her lap. She eyed the socks Elsa wore on her feet, which matched the color of her yoga pants. "Ooh, I remembered how much the tickle monster loved those little feet of yours."

"Naahat my feet-AAH!"

Anna slowly raked her fingernails down Elsa's sock-covered foot, taking pleasure in her sister's shriek. "The tickle monster has such sharp, yet delicate claws, doesn't it?"

Deciding that wasn't enough, Anna pulled Elsa's socks off with one hand while still using the other arm to hold her ankles together and made an exaggerated gagging noise. "Pee-yew, Elsa! When was the last time you cleaned these guys?"


"That's OK because the tickle monster knows the smelliest feet are the most ticklish!"

With that, Anna placed her fingers between Anna's toes and moved them up and down. "OH SH-GHWEHAAHAHAHA!"

"The tickle monster just loves your little piggies," Anna teased. "Of course, it's a huge fan of the other parts of your feet too!"

Anna danced her fingers down the arch of Elsa's foot down to the ball. Once there, she lightly traced the area with her finger in a circular motion. Somehow, this lighter form of tickling only seemed to make Elsa go wilder. "WOAH! EEEAAHAHAHAHA!" she cried, pounding her fists on the floor.

"Yes, the tickle monster loves circles. That's because a circle has no end to it. That's how long the tickling will last for!"


"Hmm... no."

Anna forcefully pulled Elsa back onto the couch so that her stomach rested on Anna's lap. She dug her fingers into Elsa's armpits. "AAHAHAHAHAHA! THIS IS TAAHAA-TORTURE!"

"The tickle monster only wants you to be happy, Elsa."

Elsa tilted her face up towards Anna so she could see her grin. "I am happy, Anna. Please... just stop now."

Anna shook her head. "Nope. There's one very special place the tickle monster hasn't explored yet."

Anna moved Elsa so that she was comfortably laying on her back on the couch. She then climbed on top of her hips and pulled Elsa's shirt up. Her stomach was flat and toned. "Damn, Elsa, look at this. How much do you work out?"

"Pretty much every day. I have a gym membership I use extensively."

"I can see that. Man, I wish I could make my stomach look that good."

Anna hovered her hand over Elsa's stomach, already sending Elsa into a giggling fit.


"Uh, I haven't touched your stomach yet."

Anna broke into a huge grin. "Oh my gosh, are you that ticklish there?"


"Uh-oh, I think you're lying, Elsa. And if there's one thing the tickle monster doesn't like, it's a liar."

Anna pressed both hands flat against Elsa's stomach and listened to her let out a snort. "Yep, you're that ticklish there."

Anna started making light scratches against Elsa's stomach. Each scratch was a bit less light, causing Elsa's laughter to grow a bit louder each time. "Heh-hah-aah-AAH-HA-HAAA!"

"Your laughter is like music, Elsa. You should get visited by the tickle monster far more often."


"Yes! Every time a deal goes wrong for you or your bank, the tickle monster should come right over and cheer you right up!"

Anna placed a single finger above Elsa's belly button and then dragged her finger down towards Elsa's belly button. "Nonononono-"

"Damn, are you somehow even more ticklish than we were younger?"


Anna hesitated her finger right before she got to the belly button, paused to look at Elsa's pleading face…and stuck her finger right into the belly button. "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Anna circled her finger around the inside of Elsa's navel. "Uh-oh, there are those pesky little circles again!"


Anna covered Elsa's mouth with one hand while using the other hand to continue circling Elsa's navel. "Shh...the tickle monster wouldn't want you to get noise complaints because of your loud laughter."

Elsa watched as Anna flashed an evil grin. She knew that Anna had something up her sleeve and was scared to find out what it was. She got her answer as Anna locked eyes with her sister and started to make each circle inside Elsa's navel a little more vicious. "ANN-MMM! NMM! MMM!"

"Now the tickle monster is really going crazy," Anna announced in a playfully deranged manner. She flipped her finger around so the point of her fingernail was now being used to tickle Elsa. But this time, Anna dropped the circle pattern and dragged her fingers in random zig-zag patterns. Elsa's eyes nearly bugged out of her head and she was actually able to get away from Anna's hand over her mouth from how much she was squirming.


Seeing the tears in Elsa's eyes, Anna finally relented and let Elsa go. Elsa crawled onto the floor and stayed there for a minute, catching her breath. "So," Anna cautiously asked, "are you feeling better?"

"There are tears in my eyes and my ribs hurt from laughing."

Anna was worried she had gone a bit too far. "Elsa, I-"

"But," Elsa cut her off, "they're the good kind of tears and I haven't laughed like that in a long while. Thank you, Anna."

Elsa sat back on the couch and hugged Anna. She looked back at the TV. "Hey, do you know what's been happening in the movie?"

"No," Anna laughed, "I didn't pay any attention."

Anna grabbed the remote and rewound the movie, landing back on the tickling scene. That's when it was Elsa's turn to flash a mischievous grin. "Hey, Anna?"


"If I recall correctly, you were pretty ticklish when we were younger..."

Anna gulped. "Uh..."

"I wonder if that's still true..."

Elsa Meets The Tickle MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now