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The Dreadfort loomed over the bleak landscape like a shadow cast by the gods themselves, its stone walls stained with the blood of countless souls sacrificed upon the altar of power and ambition. Within its grim halls, Anika Bolton came into the world, her first cries mingling with the anguished screams of her mother as Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort, sealed her fate with a single stroke of his hand.

It was a night shrouded in darkness, the air heavy with the promise of impending doom as Lady Bolton labored in the dimly lit chamber, her cries echoing through the cold stone walls like a lament for the life she had once known. The midwife moved about the room with practiced ease, her hands steady as she tended to the woman writhing in agony upon the blood-stained sheets.

Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, Lady Bolton's eyes found her husband's, a flicker of hope igniting within their depths as she clung to the belief that this time would be different, that this time she would give him the son he so desperately desired. And yet, even as the midwife announced the birth of a healthy babe, a daughter with hair as dark as the night and eyes that shone with a spark of life, Roose Bolton's face remained impassive, his eyes cold and unyielding as he looked upon the child in his wife's arms.

For a fleeting moment, there was a glimmer of joy in Lady Bolton's eyes as she cradled her newborn daughter to her breast, her lips forming the name she had chosen for her, a name that spoke of hope and promise in a world steeped in darkness.

"Anika," She whispered, her voice barely more than a breath as she gazed down at the tiny bundle nestled against her chest.

But even as the midwife moved to clean the babe, to wipe away the blood and afterbirth that stained her delicate skin, Roose Bolton's hand shot out like a bolt of lightning, his fingers closing around his wife's throat with a vice-like grip that silenced her cries and extinguished the flicker of life from her eyes.

The room fell silent save for the harsh rasp of breath as Lady Bolton's lifeless body slumped against the blood-soaked sheets, her daughter's cries echoing through the chamber like a mournful dirge for the mother she would never know. The midwife stood frozen in horror, her hands trembling as she looked upon the scene before her, the realization of what had just occurred sending a shiver of fear down her spine.

Roose Bolton paid her no mind as he turned his gaze upon his newborn daughter, his face a mask of cold indifference as he reached out to take her from the midwife's trembling hands. Anika's cries grew louder, more frantic, as she was torn from the safety of her mother's arms and thrust into the cold embrace of her father, a man whose very touch sent shivers of dread down her spine.

In that moment, as Roose Bolton looked upon his daughter with eyes devoid of love or compassion, Anika knew that her life would be a never-ending nightmare, a journey into the heart of darkness where love was but a distant memory and hope a cruel illusion. And yet, even as the shadows closed in around her, she clung to the name her mother had given her, a beacon of light in a world consumed by darkness.

Anika, daughter of the Dreadfort, born amidst the screams of a mother's agony and the silence of a father's indifference, destined to walk a path fraught with danger and despair in a world where the only certainty was death.

The night of Lady Anika Bolton's birth shrouded the Dreadfort in a veil of darkness that seemed to swallow the very stars from the sky. While the newborn babe cried out for the warmth of her mother's embrace, Lord Roose Bolton, consumed by his insatiable lust for power and desire for a male heir, made his cold-hearted decision.

Ignoring the desperate wails of his infant daughter, Roose entrusted her to the care of a wet nurse, a woman whose face was as weathered and barren as the lands surrounding the Dreadfort. With a callousness that bespoke his true nature, he turned his back on the child he deemed unworthy of his legacy and left the chamber, his footsteps echoing through the corridors like a death knell.

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