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Anika wakes to the soft light of dawn filtering through the heavy curtains of her chambers in Casterly Rock. The events of the previous night flood back to her, the memory of Tywin's touch and the pain of losing her maidenhead making her feel both sore and disoriented. She shifts slightly, wincing as her body protests, the tenderness a stark reminder of her new reality.

Slowly, Anika sits up, her gaze drifting around the unfamiliar room. The bed she lies in is massive, draped in rich crimson and gold fabrics, the colors of House Lannister. She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves, and notices a large wardrobe against one wall, its doors slightly ajar. Curiosity gets the better of her, and she swings her legs over the side of the bed, rising to her feet with some effort.

As she makes her way to the wardrobe, she notices several beautifully crafted boxes arranged neatly on a nearby table. Her fingers trail over the cool, polished wood before she hesitantly opens the doors of the wardrobe. Inside, she finds an array of lavish gowns, each more exquisite than the last. The fabrics are soft and luxurious, silks and velvets in deep reds, shimmering golds, and elegant blacks.

Anika reaches out to touch one of the dresses, her fingers brushing against the smooth silk. She lifts the gown from its place, holding it up to admire the intricate embroidery and fine craftsmanship. Never in her life has she seen such beautiful clothing, let alone worn it.

Setting the dress aside, Anika turns her attention to the boxes on the table. She opens the largest one first, revealing a collection of intricate jewelry. There are necklaces adorned with precious gems, delicate bracelets, and rings set with sparkling stones. She picks up a necklace, its gold chain cool against her skin as she admires the craftsmanship. The jewels catch the light, reflecting a rainbow of colors that mesmerize her.

For a moment, Anika allows herself to forget her fears and uncertainties. She holds the necklace up to her throat, imagining how it might look with one of the beautiful gowns. This is the first time in her life she has been showered with gifts, the first time someone has given her something purely for her enjoyment.

Gingerly, Anika sets the necklace back in its box and turns to the other items on the table. She finds a pair of earrings, delicate golden flowers with tiny diamonds at their centers. She slips them on, feeling the slight weight on her ears and marveling at how they catch the light. There is a bracelet as well, a finely wrought piece of gold filigree that she fastens around her wrist. The cool metal feels strange against her skin, a constant reminder of her new status and the man who has bestowed these gifts upon her.

In the days following their wedding, Anika finds herself slowly acclimating to her new life at Casterly Rock. Tywin Lannister, while not a loving husband, is a gentle one. He is a man of few words and even fewer displays of affection, but he treats Anika with a level of respect and courtesy that surprises her. She had feared brutality and cruelty, but Tywin is neither. His presence is more a looming shadow than a constant companion; he is often absent, consumed by the affairs of the realm and the management of his vast lands and wealth.

Despite his frequent absences, Tywin ensures that Anika wants for nothing. She is provided with the finest clothes, the most exquisite jewelry, and a suite of rooms that any noblewoman would envy.

Each night, Tywin returns to her chambers, their shared marital bed a duty he approaches with the same diligence he applies to ruling. Anika, though apprehensive, finds that he is considerate in their intimacies. He never forces her, never rushes her. There is a strange kind of gentleness in his touch, a carefulness that speaks of his desire for an heir but also an understanding of her inexperience and fear.

For three months, this routine continues. Each night, Tywin comes to her, his presence a mixture of comfort and intimidation. Anika learns to read his moods, to anticipate his needs, and to respond with a quiet obedience that pleases him. She feels like a delicate piece of porcelain, carefully handled but always on the brink of shattering.

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