It was never a growth that could be achieved if it had been done without any special interest.

So I got a rough idea.

"It was fun."


"It was fun, so you worked harder without realizing it."

Lee Sejin kept his mouth shut. He couldn't deny it.

"That's right... It felt good being on stage. I thought I would like to continue. But acting, too... I want to continue it."

"...? Do it."


I don't know why you are worried about this.

"In a couple of years, the agency will probably insert individual activities. Postpone it. If you serve out for five years, there will be the season of contract renewal, so if you want to stop being an idol, you just have to continue acting."

Lee Sejin, who had been listening with his mouth open for a while, soon lowered his head with a bitter smile.

"...I can't."


"You don't know what my former agency is like."


Well, I didn't know. Learning that kind of stuff wasn't my thing.

Lee Sejin seemed to have given up halfway, moving up the situation.

"Dream K, over there... It's not a decent agency. If I stay here like this, I don't know what will explode out of their resentment."

"Do you have any weaknesses?"

If drugs came out here, I would go ahead and recommend withdrawal.

Fortunately, Lee Sejin frowned.

"I didn't lead that sort of careless life. ...I mean they will blow it up in the form of plausible tabloid gossip."

According to the explanation that followed, it seemed there were already several actors who had been sent off that way because they didn't renew their contracts.

When the contract renewal season came, they deliberately released rumors to lower the ransom.

'Isn't it just like a picture of a bad company?'

"Um, Is there a line-up of rumors that you can predict??"

"Mine is obvious... First of all, the purpose of joining the audition was to make a comeback as an actor and they set the mood by saying that I didn't even want to be an idol."


"And then there was an affair... Well, anyway, they'll release strange propaganda articles and since it's not a crime, I can't prove it."

"Well, our investment destination is T1, so I don't think you'll leave just like that."

"For now, their goal is to blow up the former agency first and set the mood. They're making T1 cut me off."

Lee Sejin murmured bitterly.

"At any rate... I was added at the last minute."


"The public opinion about me on the Internet is not good right now. There are a lot of people asking to do it without me... Because I'm no good."


He must have looked it all up.

Certainly, that kind of talk had been circulating.

In other words, the group would be much better if we left out the person who was an additional passing participant, a former actor, and had the lowest skill.

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