☁°˚∘⊹𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕋𝕠 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕪ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕖⊹∘˚°☁

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While fading in and out of consciousness, they were both dragged further down the factory by someone, or something. Cassi blinked the fog out of her eyes and looked up to see a tall grinning catlike toy dragging both of them to a chute before opening the hatch and dropping them both down, while he watched from above, eventually closing the hatch. They landed on a pile of trash and discarded scraps with Cassi sliding off of it and laying on the ground for a moment before huffing and getting up to her knees. Looking over at Pasha she could see that he was still out. She huffed again, walking over to him before poking his head with her finger.
"Pasha, wake up. We've gotta get out of here before we get crushed or something along the lines of that." And right after she said that an alarm blared from above and the walls started closing in. The sound seemed to be enough to wake Pasha up and he quickly realized what was about to happen and the two rushed over to a stack of discarded playthings, climbing up onto it and out of the way of the walls as they slammed into each other.
"Well that was certainly a way to wake up." Pasha muttered, looking at the rusted walls. Cassi nodded and stood up from her place on the floor,
"Let's get out of here and find someplace else to crash." She looked down at Pasha as he nodded and stood as well.
After traveling through the dark and dangerous lower area of the factory (as if everything else hasn't been life-threatening enough) they eventually found a way to get back up and out of the caves. But not before both of them heard a phone ringing from another room. They looked at each other, sharing confused looks, before Cassi shrugged and walked into the room the ringing was emitting from.
There was a red and yellow play phone mounted on the wall that Cassi saw. It rang yet again and she grabbed it.


She pulled the phone away from her ear after someone basically screamed into it. "Hi?" She moved the phone back to her ear as Pasha entered the room after her.
"It's you! Wait- where's the other guy?" The voice, which sounded like it belonged to a child, asked. And Cassi looked back to see Pasha rummaging through a drawer in the desk in the room.
"Oh, he's here, he's just not talking at the moment." she replied as Pasha continued to dig around.
"Oh, ok! Anyways, you were sent by Poppy right?" The boy asked. Cassi nodded with a hum, "Yeah—"
"И мы бы уже уехали отсюда, если бы она не разбила наш поезд' (-And we would have already left here if she had not crashed our train)." Pasha grumbled.
"...What did he say?" the boy whispered,
"He probably said something about the train crash, but don't mind him, we've been stuck down here for a while so...y'know." Cassi shrugged and the boy hummed before answering,
"Well, you know why Poppy couldn't let you leave right? We need you guy's help to end this! All of this." They boy stated and Cassi sighed. "Yeah, yeah we know." Pasha then walked over to her holding a pair of devices in his hands.
"Well, I hope we're close to ending whatever it is so we can leave." Pasha huffed and pocketed one of the things still holding the other. Cassi looked at his hand curiously, trying to see what he was holding. The boy continued to talk to them as they made their way out of the lower levels until they got to the crash.
"That's where CatNap found you two." he said as they walked past it. "Then he brought you down to the trash compactor."
"Yeah that was nice of him." Pasha muttered, sarcasm laced in his voice as he rolled his eyes. Cassi elbowed him and Ollie continued, not seeming like he heard the man, and if he did he didn't say anything. Eventually the two got to the entrance of someplace.
"Also! You're coming up on the PlayHouse, the mini critters will be waiting for you. Use that redish orangish hand that you found to scare them off! I'll talk to you soon." and with that the phone line went silent with a click.

Cassi sighed and clipped the phone onto her belt before she looked over at Pasha. "What did you have in your hand?" She asked, making him turn towards her.
"Oh, I just found some walkies. Thought they'd be useful in case we get separated." he tossed one to her and she fumbled with it for a moment before gripping it in her hands. He chuckled as she struggled with the thing before brandishing the flare gun hand. "You would think that something like this would be kept far away from a place with kids in it," he muttered, looking down at the screen on the hand, which had a countdown of how many flares were left. The two continued down a dim, and fairly cold, hallway before a mini critter scampered out of a hole in the wall. The two looked down at it before Pasha shot a flare at it, causing it to squeal and run back into the wall.
"They're kind of cute?" Cassi said, looking at the critters with a thoughtful gaze, making Pasha raise a brow at her statement. "Plus, can those things even hurt us?" Cassi asked, looking at the hole. Pasha shrugged, "Maybe. Didn't look like it had any teeth, but still."

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