☁°˚∘⊹𝔻𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕚𝕥⊹∘˚°☁

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Life had been going normally for Cassi and Pasha. Going to work and taking care of the orphans at the PlayCare for most of the day before getting back home, and doing whatever after that. But Cassi had gotten an email not to come in to work on August 8th, and Pasha had been visiting his sister (she had left the factory a few years before this after finding a better job), so neither of them had known what really happened to all the other workers in the factory after it shut down.
A few days after this though, Cassi noticed that her father had not called and her mother had said he hadn't come home either. So she started looking for him. Pasha helped as well, but after a year or two the missing case had gone cold and it was dropped.

Over the decade after 1995, Pasha had gotten a job at a local DayCare in his town while also helping out at an animal shelter, as he had two rescued strays (a cat (Mango -F-) and a dog (Archer -M-)) and wanted to help out other strays find a home. Cassi had gotten a job as a substitute teacher for an elementary school near her and she was able to put all the knowledge about teaching and being around kids she had learned in the PlayCare to use.
The two had stayed in touch after the factory shut down, and after Cassi had gotten a letter telling her to come back to the factory and she had asked Pasha to come with her. She explained and said that she might be able to finally find her dad. He wasn't so sure, but agreed to come with anyways.

So they met up at the factory, but they weren't prepared to have to traverse through the horrors left behind.


"Pasha! I was afraid you wouldn't show up." Cassi waved at him from her place on the sidewalk in front of the run down and dark factory of PlayTime co. She was wearing an old leather jacket -probably her fathers- with multiple patches sewn to the sleeves, long gray pants and muddied boots. Her bangs were grown out to cover her eyes, but she could still somehow see, while the rest of her hair puffed up around her head.
He shrugged with his hands in his pocket as he walked towards her. He was wearing a purple button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up above his elbows, black pants that covered the top of his shoes, and the same bracelet that he always wore on his right wrist. His hair was tied in a short ponytail, the left half of his head was cut short, while the other half was still long and out of the bunch of hair tied back. "Would not have just let you explore this old place by yourself, I would be missing out on the fun." He gave a small grin and she chuckled,
"Yeah right, this'll be 'fun'." she said jokingly, rolling her eyes, and crossing her arms over her chest. She looked back at the front doors of the factory before speaking again, "Sure has been a while since we've been here huh?" she asked, looking more thoughtful now.
He looked at the front doors as well and nodded, "Sure has. The years have not been kind to this place."  He said, noticing the cracks in the outer walls as vines snaked up the sides. There were plenty of other problems as well but Cassi sighed making him turn his head back towards her.
"The letter said 'find the flower', so let's get in there and find that flower, yeah?" She started walking towards the factory and he followed after,
"Alright, but I'm telling you, I've got a bad feeling about this." He muttered. She paused before answering,
"I do too…but I've got to know what happened to my dad, and if he's maybe still somewhere..."

Once they got to the doors she pressed her hand against the glass and hesitated before pushing them open, causing a cloud of dust to spring up from the ground.
Pasha started to cough, waving his hand in front of his face to fan the cloud of dust away. It was dark and eerie in the front area as they both walked in. The train with the code to the glass door on the side was still moving around on its track. Cassi looked up at it before looking back at the colored pad next to the door. She walked over to the door while Pasha walked over to the desk.
She entered the code making the door slide open with a squeak. Pasha found a tape behind the desk but decided not to insert it in the player,
"Pasha, come see what I found!" Cassi had her head poking out of the door frame and he walked over to her.
"What is it?" He asked, entering the room.
"GrabPacks!" She said gesturing to the spot they were stored in, "We should grab 'em. They'll probably be useful later." She tried to open the glass casing around the objects, but when it wouldn't budge she looked up to see a tape sitting in front of the player beneath the TV. Pasha looked from her to the tape and shrugged before feeding the tape into the player. They both stepped back to look up at the TV as it played instructions on how to use the GrabPacks.
After the video was done, Cassi grabbed them, handing one to Pasha before looping the straps of the other one around her shoulders. He did the same and turned to see boxes piled up near the broken security TVs. He pressed the trigger on the left (and only) hand and grabbed one of the boxes and pulled it back to him.
"Well, good to know they work." He said, looking back at Cassi, now holding the box in his own hands. She nodded and said,

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