10 - Mission In Motion

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"Oh yes, we talking like acquaintances, alright." Shenhua replied, smiling at Dutch's presence. "Revy here protecting your new member like he fresh meat."

Before Revy could blow a head gasket, Dutch would place a hand on her shoulder. "Chill, Revy."

He would then look at Shenhua again. "Where's the boat Chang had sailed out for you guys?"

"Don't know. He said it be arriving in an hour, and it already two hours since he said that." Shenhua said, shrugging. "I say I wait until boat gets here."

And after a few more good minutes, Sawyer and Lotton would arrive.

"Wow. This is quite the family vacation." Benny commented, while occasionally peeking towards the ocean while he stood on the deck. Meanwhile, Dustin was getting a good look at the two new strangers that had arrived.

Shenhua saw this, and smiled once more. "Oh, I guess you not met these two yet. This is Sawyer, the Cleaner. She might seem small, but she get paid to butcher people like hogs."

Sawyer would wave at Dustin, blinking at him. She was currently wearing an oversized black striped sweater and black shorts, with her trusty electrolarynx attached to her belt.

"And this is Lotton." Shenhua said, pointing to the silver haired man, who adjusted his glasses. He wore a simple white dress shirt, pants, and boots.

"Pleased to meet you." He said in response to Dustin, his tone very formal and quite gentlemanly. Soon enough a vehicle would arrive, and Mr. Chang himself would step out, dusting his suit off.

"My, my.. we're all here on time. That's rather impressive." He said with a smile as he walked down to the pier, adjusting his sunglasses.

"On time? You take two hours to get your ass here!" Shenhua retorted, obviously frustrated a little from his own time of arrival.

"Relax, my dear Shenhua. We'll still have plenty of time to reach our destination." He replied towards his employee, his tone straightforward and honest as ever.

"Good day, Dutch. I'm glad we have the chance to meet again." Chang said as he shook the other man's hand.

"I could say the same myself." Dutch replied with a grin.

"If Balalaika hasn't informed you yet, me and a few of my associates will be coming along to assist you in Mexico." Chang went on as another boat began to slowly pull into docks.

"Apparently she can't risk losing you all so early into the mission."

Revy would roll her eyes upon hearing this. "Great... just fuckin' great.. that mean we gotta deal with Chinglish over here?" She said, while pointing her thumb at the other woman.

"Hey! Don't act like I wanted in on this too, twinkie!" Shenhua said back.

"Enough with the bullshit, everybody.." Dutch finally chimed in, getting everyone to quiet down and listen to him. "We need to get our asses moving here.. let's not waste it on talking our damn ears off."

"Agreed." Chang said, before looking to Dutch. "I assume you'll lead the way until we're close to shore, and we eventually split up?"

"Correct." Dutch said with a faint grin as he adjusted his sunglasses. "Come on gang, let's get this show on the road."

And eventually, both of the groups would board their respective boats, and within a few more minutes, sailed out onto the crystal blue waters, leaving the outskirts of Roanapur City and heading into the wide open Indian Ocean.

Their mission had begun.

A few hours later, the Lagoon Crew dined to some supper, which was some steak and lobster cooked in the kitchen they had, which was quite filling. After they had ate, they split up into different areas, spending all of the time that they had left until they were going to reach the borders of Mexico.

Dustin, on the other hand, had gone up to the deck, to admire the darkening sky and the sounds of the waves as they brushed up against the boat. Soon enough, he was joined by Revy.

"Sup, Dusty. What are ya doing?" She asked, stopping next to him and leaning her elbows on the ledge.

"Just enjoying the scenery." Dustin replied as he looked over at her. "You got a smoke, Rev?"

"Of course." Revy responded, taking out a pack, which she took a cig from for herself, and then gave another to Dustin, like he asked. They both lit their smokes and sat there, admiring the environment.

"So, Dusty, you excited for what's gonna be coming here in a few days?" Revy asked, looking at him again. "Quite frankly, I think this is the most fun I've had in a long time."

"It'll only be fun if you won't get your head shot off." Dustin replied with a smirk, which received him a hard hit on the elbow by Revy.

"Shut the hell up!" She said back crassly.

"Hey, what's wrong with that? Can't friends look out for their own?"

Their banter would continue for a little while longer, but soon Dutch walked out, stopping their periodic fun.

"Sorry to spoil your little date, but it's gonna get windy tonight. I'd like for all of the crew to be inside before we go lights out."

"Alright, alright.." Revy said with a sigh as she walked past Dutch, going back into the boat. Dustin smiled and watched her leave, puffing some smoke from her cig.

"She's a wild one, Dutch. I'm surprised you've kept her on your payroll for this long."

"Oh, I sonetimes say the same thing to myself." Dutch said with a grin as the two men walked back in the boat, ending the evening.

Black Lagoon: The Island of Lost SoulsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora