10 - Mission In Motion

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"Damn, Revy, why do I have to be the bloody luggage boy..?" Grunted Dustin tiredly as he stumbled onto one of the many piers in Roanapur's boating docks, carrying two large tote bags.

"Cause you're strong enough.." Revy said with a smirk as she walked right alongside him, heading over to where the Lagoon Company's main vehicle of travel was. "You playin' pussy right now, Dusty?"

"No, madam..."

"Hey! Don't fucking call me that!"

As the two came to a stop, they got a look at what they would be traveling the waters in.

Instead of the regular torpedo boat, it was a medium-size fishing boat customized for things other than fishing- signified by its steel silver finish and wooden decking.

On the top deck stood Dutch and Benny, who were currently getting any equipment up top situated. Feng and Rock were inside the boat's main quarters, handling everything else for their maiden voyage.

"Is that the last of our firepower, Dustin?" Dutch asked as the brit walked onto deck, dropping the duffel bags.

"Yep." Dustin replied, stretching. "Grenades, ammunition, magazines.. what you asked for."

"Good.. take the bags into the main quarters and stay on the boat. I'm making some calls to the people on the waters.. trying to see when the coast is clear." Dutch said back, before walking away.

Benny would smile, reaching into a cooler and tossing Revy and Dustin some fresh canned beer.

"Relax for a bit, you two. Only God knows how long we'll be held up in the docks." Benny joked, before sitting down in a folding chair he had brought along. Revy cracked open her beer and sipped from it, while Dustin simply stared towards the water, admiring the scenery.

"Well, well, well! If it isn't miss twinkie herself!" Chimed in a familiar voice, which prompted Revy and Dustin to turn their heads.

Walking onto the pier was the one and only Shenhua... a Taiwanese assassin and a personal employee of Mr. Chang himself. Coy, cunning, and alluring, the woman was known for her brutal fighting skills and undeniable beauty. The sunlight would shine down on her, highlighting her outfit- a nice Asian style blouse with golden stitching, along with black pants and heels.

"Ch-Chinglish!?" Revy sputtered out, her emotions now a mix between surprise and frustration. "You're coming along?!"

Shenhua would make a small smile, her lips slightly pursed as she applied some burgundy red lipstick.

"Aww, Dutch not tell you about the rest of mission? How sad.. we also coming along to help."

Her eyes would shift from Revy, and slowly over to Dustin now. Seeing the man caused her teeny smile to become a well defined smirk.

"Well, I see you have new member now, too. What his name?"

Dustin would grin, waving at her. "The name's Dustin, madam. You must be Shenhua."

"Wow, he call me madam, too.." Shenhua said back, playfully putting her hands together as she blinked her eyes at him. "You a single man, Dustin..?"

"Jesus christ, he's not here to be fucked by a million women, Chinglish!" Revy shouted, the volume of her voice enough to break Shenhua's little love trance.

"Why so protective about it, Revy..? You want him to yourself..?"

A empty beer can would be thrown, much to Shenhua's surprise.

"Just shut the hell up before I come down there, Chinglish!" Revy shouted back.

Following Revy's yelling fit, Dutch would walk back onto the deck, smiling at Revy as he saw who was on the pier behind them. "I see you three are becoming acquainted quite well."

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