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ıllıllı 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙠𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙤   ıllıllı


The meeting call was random and rather abrupt when Y/N received word of it. She was to help oversee a trial. She didn't know many of the details, but she did know the name of the boy who's trial she'd be hearing. Kamado Tanjiro, who was traveling with... a demon.

So here she was, scrounging around her estate, searching for her mask. She never misplaced her mask. Ever.

It was stressing her the fuck out.

Her kakushi were supposed to come today, and settle in around the estate. They had added on to the back of it, doubling the size of the home completely. It wasn't like she had a small home to begin with— actually, it was rather the opposite of that. She had so many rooms, that she didn't even know where to put all of her things. Many of them were desolate, besides some dust in a corner or a stray leaf.

Today, she was supposed to focus on training. Any and every kind. As a child, Y/N played in the water-filled chasm that encircled her home, and dunked her head underwater to see how long she could hold her breath. She had done it nearly every day for years, until recently where she had to schedule her training days to alternate with tending to her nature.

So she trained in the chasm, and trained in the shade by simply hanging off of a tree limb. She also did that in her free time. But even in doing all of that, it wasn't much. So her panic when she couldn't find her mask was rather.. intense.

She stood on her engawa, dress in her uniform with leg cutouts and a drooping sleeve. Her typical haori was on, along with her naginata strapped on her back.

The trees were swaying peacefully, the air taking in a draw of morning freshness. The sky seemed to radiate a coat of bright, baby blue, looking much like it had been painted to look perfect. Birds tweeted and the brook bubbled, everything was in resonating tranquility.

"GRAHHH! WHERE DID I PUT IT?!" Her hands were mercilessly sabotaging her hair, making it unseemly and disastrous. It was quite the sight.

She squeezed her eyes shut, and tried to remember. She was driving herself mad with all of the thinking.

Y/N ceased when she picked up on something. A small chitter, and the gentle sound of rustling grass. A normal person would have missed it. But when it came to this, she knew good and well what wasn't ordinary.

She turned her head to see two small squirrels, engaging with each other under the protective shade of the trees. She saw a flash of white and green.

And she was seething. She lightly treaded to the spot where the squirrels were, seeing them fiddle so happily with her mask. She quickly reached down, snatching it up. The squirrels, used to her but not her attitude, were taken aback, and scurried up the tree.

"Stupid varmints..."

She felt slightly guilty, but at the same time... it was her mask!

She looked down towards the cat mask, inspecting it thoroughly. She visibly shrunk back when she noticed the new crack in the bottom.

It was a priceless heirloom! And squirrels had damaged it! Was all of her cautiousness and safekeeping for all of those years for absolutely nothing?

𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘢Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя