<:> 986 <:>

''' Adamai'''

I walked down the stairs after a long nap. I had been more tired than ever before during the months after my brother died and spent most of my time thinking up fake scenarios with him in them to entertain myself.

What I didn't expect to see was Amalia.

I knew pretty much instantly that she was here to talk to me about my brother and stuff. They were pretty much in love before he died, anyway. They tried to hide it the best they could, but besides the constant jealousy that drifted in the air, I was a dragon, and dragons with Eliatrope brothers can sense their emotions somewhat well.

Amalia looked at me, observing my older appearance. I practically looked like an adult dragon now, even in my humanoid form. No one other than Alibert, Chibi, and Grougaloragran had seen me look like this. I hadn't left the house since I got back.

"Amalia?" I asked. She sighed a response, slightly hanging her head as if in doubt or guilt. I stood still and quietly watched as she approached me.

"Adamai," she started uncomfortably, her tone shifting between seriousness and a kind of fear, "The rest of the Brotherhood of the Tofu has a dinner planned for next week. We figured you should come because it's on this day...." she trailed off as she pointed to a square on a small pocket calendar she held. I think I could feel my eyes widen as I instantly recognized the date.

"Jularios 9," I whispered back. I closed my eyes. "Amalia, is this some kind of joke? You and I both know when Jularios 9 is and what it's associated with!" I shouted.

"Listen, it's to honor him! You don't-"

"Shut. Up," I ended the conversation, storming up to my room in disbelief.

Jularios 9 was that day. That unforgettable day when the traitor showed his true colors. The day when my brother...

Something within me boiled to follow Amalia and see the Brotherhood again. I did miss them, but none of them cared about my brother like I did. Not a single one of them.

"Adamai, it'll be in the Sadida kingdom. You know, the place where Dally's old memorial is?" I heard Amalia shout up the staircase. I sighed. I knew that Alibert was going to try to convince me to go and I didn't want to give in. My brother would come before everything else until the day I was gone with him.

Stuck in my dofus forever...

'I can't waste more time. I should be spending it enjoying the World of Twelve before anything else happens,' I thought. I took flight out the window to join Amalia, who was now probably a thirty-minute walk away. 

I enjoyed flying; feeling the wind and listening to any birds that flew high up here. Not only did I enjoy flying, but it marveled my brother. The sights were always new and exciting to him, the gorgeous clouds melting together with the sunrise-painted sky gaining color in front of us. To experience those moments again... that was all I thought I wanted.

I dove down from my position in the clouds, quickly spotted Amalia, and landed next to the Sadida.




*~~} World of Twelve ^ Brotherhood Timeline {~~*

<:> 986 <:>

''' Phearys'''

Meditating in a mountain, Phearys felt a shift. A pulse in the wakfu of the World of Twelve. Something Phearys had never seen.

Wakfu can't be added... Wakfu can't be destroyed...

How did Phearys feel it, then, a soul of pure wakfu overwhelm the others? There was more. More wakfu than ever before. Or maybe not--

Phearys had seen one exception to the consistency of wakfu in this life. Barely a year ago; it was back when the Young King disappeared. 

Phearys constantly was check on the dofus. He wanted to see if the wakfu of the Eliatrope would suddenly return, but it never did. It was just gone.

But then, if wakfu was put into the World of Twelve, and just enough to fill the previous void, only one thing could be true.

The pulse in the wakfu could have been the Young King.

Phearys took no time in leaving that cave to tell the King's brother. This would be a conversation no one was ready to have, but then again,

every single member of the brotherhood would be overjoyed regardless.

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