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The 10th chapter is here everyone
Babe woke up to sunlight peeking through the curtains, feeling a jumble of emotions. He remembered last night in bits, like pieces of a puzzle. He wanted to smile, to revel in the warmth that lingered from their shared moments, but a whisper of uncertainty held him back.

What if Charlie woke up regretting everything? What if their friendship was now at stake?

Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed the soft call of his name until he turned to find Charlie's gaze fixed on him, uncertainty mirrored in those eyes that had held him captive just hours before. It was a moment suspended in time, both hesitant and hopeful, as they navigated the unspoken questions lingering between them.

Charlie: "Phi Babe, what's on your mind?"

Babe: "Oh, nothing much."

Charlie: "Do you regret last night?"

Babe: "Why do you ask?"

Charlie: "I just want to know because I don't regret it at all."

Babe: "What made you think I would regret it?"

Charlie: "I don't know, maybe because you like Phi Way."

Babe: "Yes, I do like Way, but that doesn't mean I regret what happened between us."

Charlie: "I want to know what we are, so I know what to do."

Babe: "I'm not sure what we are yet, but I want to give this a chance. How about we take it slow, maybe start with a small date? We might think we know everything about each other, but there could still be surprises."

Charlie: "Are you sure?"

Babe: "I'm sure, and let's keep it between us for now."

Charlie: "If you're sure, then I am too."

Meanwhile, at Tony's mansion, Kenta informed him that the car was ready. Tony nodded, signaling that they should leave.

Tony, accompanied by Wann and their bodyguards, departed the mansion to meet with the Red Racing team. Today, they were set to sign a contract for an upcoming race. While on the surface, it appeared to be a typical sponsorship, only a select few were aware of the true motive behind the agreement.

Upon arriving at the building, they were greeted by a swarm of media, eager to ask questions.

Person 1: "Sir, what's the reason behind sponsoring a racing team?"

Tony: "I've always had a passion for racing, so I thought, why not support a Thai racing team?"

Person 2: "But won't investing in racing, which doesn't directly impact your company's stocks, be a financial risk?"

Tony: "As I mentioned, my primary motivation is to support the sport. Whether it brings in profits or not, I'm happy to contribute to something I love."

Person 3: "Sir, do you intend to involve your daughter in the racing world?"

Tony: "Indeed, that's part of the plan. I'm not just here to sign a contract; I'm also enrolling my daughter in racing. She's shown a keen interest, so I see no reason why she shouldn't be a part of it."

As they proceeded to sign the contract, Waan couldn't shake off her nerves. She couldn't comprehend her father's sudden interest in anything related to racing. Had he discovered something about Babe? She longed to confide in her brother, but fear gnawed at her. What if someone from her father's circle was tailing her? She couldn't risk her brother's safety.

The more she pondered, the more convinced she became that their father had already uncovered Babe's whereabouts. This sponsorship deal felt like a trap, a carefully laid snare closing in around them. Helpless, Waan could only hope for a chance to meet Babe soon, to warn him about their father's schemes. Each passing moment felt secretly terrifying, as if she were tiptoeing on the edge of a precipice, unable to see what lay below.

On the way back to the mansion, Tony observed his daughter's demeanor closely.

Tony: "Is everything alright, Waan?"

Waan: "Yes, Pa, it was just a bit overwhelming with the media and all."

Tony: "You'll get used to it in time."

Waan: "Pa, why do you want me to join the racing team?"

Tony: "Our bodyguards mentioned you've been attending races for the past few months. I thought you might enjoy being part of it... By the way, have you been in touch with your brother? I miss him... If you happen to reach out, ask him to visit me sometime. I've heard he's also involved in racing. Even if you don't have his contacts, you might see him on the tracks."

Waan felt a knot tighten in her stomach at her father's words. She couldn't bring herself to respond, fearing that any further conversation might lead to more probing questions. So, she simply forced a smile and turned her gaze towards the closed window, pretending to be lost in thought.

Meanwhile, Tony's lips curled into a satisfied smirk as he observed his daughter's reaction. He knew his plan was unfolding just as he had intended. Behind his facade of fatherly concern lurked a darker agenda, a web of manipulation and deceit that he wove with precision. His daughter's obliviousness only fueled his determination to see his scheme through to the end, regardless of the consequences.


Tony's voice echoed softly within the confines of his office as he conversed with Mr. Nanathorn.

Tony: "Yes, Mr. Nanathorn, we can certainly arrange a meeting to discuss the procedure very soon. The boy is in impeccable condition, both physically and health-wise. He's truly one of the finest I have. His name is Babe, an Alpha of exceptional caliber. Furthermore, I've identified a compatible Enigma for him. I can assure you, the child from this Alpha-Enigma pairing will be extraordinary, possessing formidable abilities irrespective of their lineage. We can delve into the specifics during our upcoming meeting. As for timing, if you're considering having the child, I suggest we wait until next year to proceed. Alright then, I'll see you in a few days."

Babe was passing through his father's office when he overheard everything. He couldn't believe his ears that his father would do something like this to him. Now he understood the real motive behind his father's adoption. He is most likely selling kids to other people either for organs or for sex, and here his father wants him to have sex with an enigma so that his father can sell that baby to someone who can use it as a toy.


How are you all... Currently I am so excited for the new projects of our babies especially Pitbabe 2 I really never expected them to give us all a second part and aswell I am so eager about all of their individual projects as well

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