Chapter 2 dawn

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Bow!!!! bang!!! whip!! pow!!!


Figure:end this!! Leaf storm!!!

Meinfoo who was now in the air
Was being thrown around
in a leaf storm!!!

Figure:that's enough sceptile drop it.

Meinfoo fell into the safe arms of shampoo who caught it she returned it to her poke-ball and after giggled

Shampoo:i knew it!! You are my future husband!!

Figure:say what now?

Shampoo:when an amazon like me loses to a strong man we must marry that man as we love men that can dominate us. 

Figure:(sighs) enough of this I'm going home.

Shampoo:let me come to I'm your future wife now!!

Figure:huh no way!


Figure:no and get off!!

They were walking together while some guys were jealous

Lillie:um excuse us.


Iris:hi can we come with you guys?

Figure:let's head to a restaurant or something

They all agreed


Iris:we heard that you got straight wins and no losses that's amazing!!

Lillie:i lost one match and that was to iris

Figure:1 match right so then?


Lillie:we made it for day 1. But i might have to try and figure out how to play the battlefield better

Figure:just look at the advantages and disadvantages that you have.

Iris:ehehe i don't gotta worry about 
Anything after all i have power and speed on my side!!!

Figure:thats cool but you shouldn't be all big to tell me about your team.

Iris:why not your not allowed to change your team and your gonna know anyway.

Figure:that is true but imagine these people are trainers as well which they are there gonna have an easy was of beating you.

Iris:yeah i guest you got a point

Lillie:i know this might sound a little silly but do you mind if we see your face?

Figure:huh why?

Shampoo:yeah shampoo hasn't scene your face at all!!

Figure:sorry I can't i don't want to be a made man.


Lillie:are you a rich kid?

Figure:not exactly i-

???:darkest lariat!!!

The figure turned with a glow of his hands stopped the Pokémon

The figure turned with a glow of his hands stopped the Pokémon

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