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Arthit leaned against his car, arms crossed over his chest, as he waited outside the brightly lit entrance of the amusement park- Dragon wonder land. His gaze flickered over the crowds of people milling about, searching for a familiar figure among the throngs of visitors. 

No matter how much he tried to delay Kongpob by dumping work on him, the stubborn omega had completed everything within time and had enough time left for getting ready for the date. All Arthit could do after seeing breathtaking figure infront of him- to remind him of his promise to share location of wherever he was going. This alpha Luca was sus. Who takes a grown up man of 28 years to an amusement park designed for teens who were just coming in to their powers? Atleast the damned alpha won't dare to pull anything funny on Kong in such crowd? Or no one could blame Arthit giving piece of his mind and fist to the dumb ass.

He checked his watch for what felt like the hundredth time, his impatience growing with each passing minute. Finally, he spotted Kong emerging from the crowd, a wide grin plastered across his face. Arthit's irritation momentarily melted away at the sight of Kong's infectious smile, but it quickly returned as he remembered the reason for his presence there. Kong was animatedly talking with Alpha Luca.

"Hey, phi!" Kong exclaimed, spotting Arthit, he bounded over to where Arthit stood by the car. He introduced Luca to Arthit and right to his face Luca told Kong he had enjoyed his date and he sees his soulmate in Kong. Then he turned to Arthit and thanked him for letting him have an opportunity to know such a generous hearted person. Taking Arthit's hand in his, he assured Arthit that he knows what Kong would have went through with self entitled alpha population and that he would take even greater care of Kong than Arthit as a brother takes .

"I am not his brother" Arthit grumbled.

"A friend then!" Luca beamed "I promise to take good care of your friend or you can take your fist to me. Just put a good word for me na"

Whoa! The fucker was smooth! 

"Being an alpha, I know your kind"Arthit warned " Just know that I will be watching you"

Luca smiled " I am glad Kong has such loyal friends." then he turned to Kong and hugged him " Are you up for next week's dinner?"

Kong smiled "Yes"

The vein on Arthit's forehead ticked "Isn't that day our family outing?" Arthit reminded Kong over mind link. 

"Oh..Sorry Luca, tomorrow me and Phi Arthit are taking Anurak out for family outing."

"Can I join too?" Luca asked " The more the merrier? and I can get to know Anurak too?"

Arthit took a step forward, he was about to ask Luca what part of 'family outing' did he not understand? But Kong had turned to Arthit, pleading "Can he come phi? na?"

Arthit shrugged , absolutely furious at himself to not resist Kongpob's pleading eyes.

Kong grinned at Luca "Tomorrow 6 PM. We don't know what we are doing yet, I will inform you tomorrow morning."

Nodding, Luca bid them good bye and Arthit could finally relax.

"Sorry, you had to wait . " Kong apologized "The date went longer than I expected."

Arthit nodded tersely, his expression unreadable. "How was it?" 

He prayed Kong would not answer in positive - he wouldn't be able to take it. The amount of teeth grinding he had done while waiting for Kong in the car- he is surprised why isn't his mouth filled with poweder of his tooth.

Kong's smile widened at the mention of his date and he practically beamed with excitement. "It was amazing! Luca is such a great guy. We had so much fun together."

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