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EJ POV: It's been really quiet in the compound, Ollie was still mad at Hope for the death of Henry which I can't blame him for, Our family was still looking  for mom and We were still clueless on what was going on, Hope had to bind herself in order to find mom but dad stopped her and last I knew she ran away with a boy I mean now really isn't the time for her fooling around, I was able to track her to a small house in the middle of no where, I went inside and found both her and Mom chained up but before I could help free them I fell unconscious from a spell.

Ollie POV: we finally found Mom but Uncle Elijah had shown up and threatened to fight Klaus.

Klaus: Oliver, go and get your mother, I'll handle him

I ran in without hesitation and opened the doors to see EJ and Hope unconscious on the floor and Greta with her hand in my mom's chest grabbing her heart.

Ollie: MOM!

I tried to push her off of her but Elijah threw Klaus through the door which cause me to trip and ended up crushing my knee. It wasn't until my mom started screaming in pain that I got up and tried to fight Greta but I never broke my werewolf curse and i didn't have Vanpire strength so I was useless against her, we were losing and my mom knew this, she looked at me as if she were trying to say sorry, that's when it happened... Greta screamed in pain as Mom ripped her finger off and then threw herself along with Greta out the door burning both of them alive. And just like that...My mom...was gone,

Klaus: NO!

Ollie: MOM!!

Hayley Marshall was dead.

Klaus had to go as it was still too dangerous for him to be around Hope so he had to go

Klaus: Oliver...I know you and I aren't close but I want you to know that I am proud of you, for being strong willed and for Always being there when I wasn't.

Ollie: it's too bad I wasn't strong enough to save mom...

Klaus: Oh you mustn't worry about that, you saved her in a way no one ever could, Here,

Ollie: what's this?

He handed me a bow and arrow,

Klaus: It was your father's...

I was in shock, Klaus barely ever spoke to me and now he's giving me my fathers bow and arrow

Klaus: Believe it or not your father grew to care for our family and it was because of that he was killed but you carry his pride and strength along with your mothers fierceness and love, and that is what makes you the best of both worlds. Hopefully you didn't inherit your father's Cockiness.

He smiled and chuckled a little bit,

Ollie: thank you...

Klaus: you're welcome.

He said as he left, EJ had woken up.


Ollie: E...


I sat next to him on the bed

Ollie: E she's gone...she died.

EJ: No...No please No,Oh god please, No No No No No.

His voice broke in between his breathing before he screamed in pain


My mom was gone...I felt my lungs burning as I screamed, I felt my heart being squeezed,  My mom was gone and I didn't even get to say goodbye, she was dead.

EJ: Momma please no no no no no no.

Hope POV: My mom was dead, And it's my fault...why...why did I kidnap her?...why, why did she have to die and not me, Mom...I'm so sorry.

3rd person: All three siblings were devastated by the loss of their mother, and to make matters worse, their father wasn't able to physically be with them and could only comfort them in magic form,

Klaus: please hope, don't shut me out.

Hope: you deserted me!...when you promised me you'd be there

Klaus: I have only just realized how dangerous this is I could kill you


Klaus looked at her with both fear and sorrow

Hope: Our mom is dead! She's dead and it's my fault! And we need more than some half version of you!

Klaus: please don't say that.

Hope: just leave!

Everyone was in pain but it wasn't until the funeral that they all finally came together to send their mother away in peace.

EJ,Hope,Ollie: Goodbye mom...

They were peaceful that day but as soon as the next one came, the chaos began.

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