EJ Mikaelson

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5 years later*

Me, Hope, and Ollie move around a lot, mom says that it was so that we would be safe, but the more we moved the further we were from my dad, mom told us that our dad was one of the first vampires, and that he was a hybrid just like her, the more she talked about her the more I wanted to be just like him, protecting my family no matter what just like him!, I just wish I could meet him my mom had been looking for stuff to bring back our family, and then we will finally get our dad back. It's too bad we couldn't get him back in time for me and Hope's 7th birthday,

EJ: Hey Hope can I paint too?

Hope: yeah, here

We pretty much would spend our time in the garden painting, and when I get tired of painting I would go play with Ollie, then we heard a truck pull up in front of the house.


Even though grandma Mary loved all of us it was clear that her favourite was Ollie, considering that he is her great grandson. But it never bothered us, she was pretty much the only family Ollie had left on his dad's side.

Grandma Mary: Hello~

She said with laughter, and then came and hugged me and Hope tightly

Grandma Mary: are you sure you want to do this?, don't you think they would be better off without them.

Hayley: I made a promise.

Grandma Mary: to who? TO ELIJAH!

Hayley: TO MY KIDS.

We could hear them yelling from inside the house, we know that mom had a thing with Uncle Elijah but it kind of hurt Ollie's feelings that mom was in love with uncle Elijah even though she was married to his dad.

Hayley: I promised them they would feel safe and protected by the people who love them,

Mary gave her an address, Hayley packed up the coffins.

Hayley: ok, I have to go.

Hope: you'll come back?

Hayley: of course I will, and I won't be alone

She did her little hand shake that her and mom came up with, never understood it but it wasn't for me to question, she kissed each one of us on the cheek

Hayley: I'll call you guys every night before bed okay.

She said as she turned her back and drove away, now it was just us and Grandma Mary.

The next day, I was looking around for Hope. Then I saw her by a bed of flowers, she was making the flowers bloom early.


She jumped in shock

EJ: Mom told us we can't use magic!

Hope: well mom isn't here, and what happens if she gets in trouble, we are going to need magic if we are going to go help her.

EJ: But we promised mom we'd only use our powers for emergencies only.

Hope: we also promised mom we wouldn't eat too much candy but look where we are now.

I rolled my eyes, I love my sister but sometimes she can be too stubborn and it's really annoying.

Hope: until we get aunt Freya back we are the only ones with magic, for now we are the ones who can protect our family.

EJ: fine but please be careful, we don't want to scare our new family before we even get to meet them.

Hope rolled her eyes at me, feeling petty I chanted a spell that turned her blue

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