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Harry Potter

In an alternate universe where Voldemort never rose to power and Harry Potter's parents lived, Hogwarts was a place of peace and harmony. Among its students was Y/N, a shy but kind-hearted witch who admired her fellow classmates from afar.

Harry Potter, the confident and charming son of James and Lily Potter, was the center of attention at Hogwarts. With his easy smile and friendly demeanor, he was well-liked by all who knew him.

One ordinary day, Y/N found herself in the Hogwarts library, seeking refuge among the stacks of books. Lost in thought, she accidentally collided with Harry Potter, sending both of their books flying to the ground.

"Oh, sorry about that," Harry said with a grin as he helped Y/N gather her scattered belongings.

Y/N's heart raced as she looked up into Harry's warm, hazel eyes. She had admired him from afar for so long, but now he was standing right in front of her, looking as charming as ever.

"N-no problem," Y/N stammered, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

As they talked, Harry found himself captivated by Y/N's gentle nature and quiet intelligence. There was something about her that drew him in, something he couldn't quite put into words.

Back in the Gryffindor common room, Ron and Hermione watched with interest as Harry recounted his encounter with Y/N.

"Looks like someone's got a crush," Ron teased, nudging Harry playfully.

Harry laughed, but inside, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about Y/N. He found himself wanting to spend more time with her, to get to know her better.


Harry strode purposefully through the Hogwarts courtyard, his heart pounding with nervous anticipation.  As he spotted her sitting alone on a bench, lost in her book, he took a deep breath and approached her.

"Hey, Y/N," Harry greeted with a charming smile as he sat down next to her.

Y/N jumped slightly at the sound of Harry's voice, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she quickly glanced up from her book.

"Oh, um, h-hi Harry," Y/N stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Harry couldn't help but notice how Y/N's eyes remained glued to her book, as if she was more interested in the fictional world within its pages than the real world around her.

"So, uh, what are you reading?" Harry asked, trying to make conversation.

Y/N blushed even deeper, her fingers nervously fidgeting with the pages of her book. "Oh, um, it's just, uh, a, um, muggle romance novel," she mumbled, unable to meet Harry's gaze.

Harry's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He had expected Y/N to be reading something more intellectual, like a book on advanced charms or magical theory. But a muggle romance novel? That was unexpected.

"That's... interesting," Harry said, trying to hide his confusion. "I didn't know you were into muggle literature."

Y/N shrugged, her cheeks turning an even brighter shade of pink. "Y-yeah, well, um, I like to, uh, explore different genres," she mumbled, her voice barely audible.

Harry couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. Here he was, trying to engage Y/N in conversation, and all she seemed interested in was her book. Wasn't she supposed to be fawning over him, like most girls did?


After weeks of trying to win over Y/N's heart with his usual charm and wit, Harry found himself at a loss. No matter how hard he tried, Y/N remained distant, her shy demeanor a barrier he couldn't seem to break through.

Feeling frustrated and confused, Harry decided to seek advice from the people who knew him best: his parents. With a quill in hand, he penned a letter to James and Lily Potter, pouring out his feelings and seeking guidance on how to win over the heart of the girl who had captured his attention.

A few days later, Harry received a response from his mother, Lily. Eagerly, he tore open the envelope and began to read her words of wisdom.

"My dearest Harry," the letter began, "I understand how difficult it can be to navigate matters of the heart, especially when the object of your affection is as shy as Y/N. My advice to you is simple: be patient and kind. Show her that you care, not just with grand gestures, but with small acts of kindness and understanding. Take the time to listen to her, to learn what makes her smile and what makes her heart flutter. And above all, be true to yourself. Love is a journey, Harry, and it's one worth taking."

Harry felt a surge of gratitude wash over him as he read his mother's words. She had always been his rock, his guiding light in times of trouble. And now, as he navigated the complexities of love, her advice gave him hope that he could win over Y/N's heart.

Buoyed by his mother's words, Harry sought out his father, James, and his godfather, Sirius, for additional guidance. Together, they formed a plan to win over Y/N's heart, with James and Sirius playfully teasing Harry about his newfound infatuation.

Armed with his mother's advice and the unwavering support of his family, Harry set out to win over Y/N's heart once and for all. He approached her with kindness and patience, taking the time to listen to her thoughts and feelings, and slowly but surely, he began to chip away at the walls she had built around her heart.


One sunny afternoon, Harry took Y/N by the hand and confessed his feelings for her.

"I've liked you for a long time, Y/N," Harry said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, both inside and out."

Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she looked into Harry's warm gaze, overwhelmed by the depth of his feelings for her.

"I like you too, Harry," Y/N whispered, her heart overflowing with love. "More than you'll ever know."

And in that moment, surrounded by the beauty of Hogwarts, Harry and Y/N knew that their love was meant to be, destined to stand the test of time.

As they walked hand in hand through the halls of Hogwarts, Harry couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter that had brought them together. And as they stepped into the bright future that awaited them, their hearts filled with love and hope for the journey ahead....

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