Secrets and Betrayal-S.B

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Sirius Black

In the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts, a sense of unease hung heavy in the air. Y/N walked alongside her best friend, Lily Evans, their footsteps echoing as they headed towards the library. Y/N's thoughts were preoccupied with the growing distance between her and her boyfriend, Sirius Black. They had once been inseparable, but now, something was amiss.

Sirius, the most popular boy in school, had captured her heart from the moment they laid eyes on each other. Their love had been intense, like a roaring fire, but lately, it had been reduced to mere embers. Y/N couldn't pinpoint when it had all started to unravel, but she knew it was around the time Sirius began sneaking off without explanation.

As they reached the library's entrance, Y/N hesitated, casting a worried glance at her friend. "Lily, do you think we should talk to James? He's Sirius's best friend. Maybe he knows what's been bothering him."

Lily nodded in agreement. "It's worth a shot, Y/N. James might know something about Sirius."

With their minds set, they made their way to find James Potter. He was often found with his other close friend, Remus Lupin. When they finally spotted the two boys outside a classroom, their demeanor was odd, almost as if they were guarding the door.

"James, Remus, we need to talk to you," Lily declared, her voice carrying a tone of urgency.

James exchanged a glance with Remus, who nodded, moving aside to let them approach. Y/N sensed something was amiss, her heart pounding in her chest as they stepped closer to the door.

"What's going on?" Y/N asked, her voice trembling.

James hesitated, a guilty look in his eyes. "It's not what you think, Y/N."

But Lily was having none of it. She gave James a sharp shove, causing him to stagger back. "Move out of the way, Potter."

With that, Lily forcefully pushed the door open, revealing a sight that shattered Y/N's heart into a million pieces. There, in the dimly lit classroom, was Sirius Black, the love of her life, locked in a passionate embrace with another girl.

Y/N couldn't move; she couldn't breathe. Her world came crashing down around her as she watched the scene unfold. Sirius, lost in the moment, hadn't even noticed their presence.

Lily, her anger ablaze, yelled at Sirius, speaking on Y/N's behalf. "You bastard! How dare you?"

The sound of Lily's voice snapped Sirius out of his daze. He looked first at Lily and then at Y/N, who stood there teary-eyed, her mouth slightly agape. Regret washed over Sirius as he realized the immense pain he had caused.

Before he could utter a word, Y/N turned and fled from the scene. Her tears fell freely as she ran, her heartache echoing in each step. She ran until she could run no more, finding herself back in the Gryffindor common room, her sanctuary. She rushed up to her shared dormitory, locking herself away from the world.

Back in the classroom, Lily was still shouting at Sirius, her anger unrestrained. He knew he deserved every word of her lecture. He had not only betrayed Y/N but had also broken the heart of the person he loved most in the world.

As Y/N lay in her bed, her emotions overwhelming her, she couldn't help but wonder how everything had unraveled so quickly. She and Sirius had been so happy together, and now, it felt like a cruel joke.

The days turned into weeks, and Y/N became a mere shadow of her former self. She barely ate, rarely smiled, and spent most of her time alone in her dormitory. Lily and her friends tried to console her, but the pain ran too deep.

Sirius, on the other hand, was drowning in guilt. He had never meant to hurt Y/N, but his foolish actions had torn them apart. He tried to approach her several times, but she would turn and walk away, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and betrayal.

One evening, as Y/N sat by the common room's fireplace, a letter arrived, addressed to her. It was from Sirius. Her heart raced as she opened it, unsure of what to expect.

Dear Y/N,

I know that words can never undo the pain I've caused you, but I need you to hear me out. That day in the classroom was all a daze . I don't know how it happened, but  regret it more than I can express. The truth is, I don't remember much of it. But that doesn't excuse my actions.

I love you more than anything in this world, and I can't bear to see you hurting like this. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but if there's any chance you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday, I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you.

Please, Y/N, know that you mean everything to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to win back your trust.

Yours always, Sirius

As Y/N finished reading the letter, tears streamed down her face. She was confused though. 'He didn't remember it?' 

She put that aside. She knew she still loved Sirius, despite the pain he had caused. The question remained: Could she ever find it in her heart to forgive him?

(To be continued??)

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