Birthdays Part 2

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"I'm not wearing the hat."

"It's my birthday. Please?"

"I'm not putting on the stupid hat."


"My dignity."

"Pretty please?"

"I would rather die."

And despite that argument, Clara still ended up wearing a cowboy hat, making Zach incredibly happy.

Bailey and Logan couldn't decide on a theme so they went with both space and a western theme so now it's a space cowboy party. With cowboy hats and lightsabers for some reason. Clara could get behind lightsabers. Hell, she would challenge people to duels with no hesitation. But Clara thought cowboy hats looked outrageously stupid on her.

"You couldn't choose another theme," Clara asked. "You know, like FNAF or something."

"Nope. We could've done the party in just plain blue but then it would look like a gender reveal," Bailey said. "Congratulatons, Zach's a dude!"

Zach smacked Bailey in the back of the head. "Doofus."

"To be fair, that was a little bit funny," Clara admitted. 

"I've been betrayed on my own birthday," Zach said with fake shock, hand going over his chest.

"Betrayal would've been giving you a Bluey party."


"We all made a cake together," Logan added. "That was my and Cameron's job. We decided on chocolate because everybody likes chocolate and vanilla is too plain in my opinion. Not enough flavor."

"We made sure to put 18 candles on it since you're old. And the eight and one are switched around to look like an 81."

"Wouldn't that be 20 candles then?"

"Shut up, you're ruining the moment."

They then switched the lights off. The cake was carried over to the table as everybody sang Happy Birthday to Zach. Zach waited for them to finish and blew out his candles. Everybody cheered. Zach's parents then sliced the cake for everybody, with Zach getting the first slice since he was the birthday boy.

"Logan," Clara began. She absolutely loved the cake. It was very rich but also light and moist. "Where did the sudden baking skills come from?"

"Was my grandma's recipe. She passed it down to me. I also really love food," he answered as he patted his stomach. "I have excellent taste and experience."

They continued to joke around and eat their cake. About halfway through, Clara had put a cowboy hat on long enough for a picture and long enough for Zach to call her cute. She blushed at the compliment. 

It was dark when they finished and they managed to play a game of Mario Kart before some of them had to leave to go home. Clara also did manage to get her bag she brought with her out of the car.

"My mom's here," Logan said. "I've gotta go. Happy Birthday, dude! I had fun. But I will kick your ass at Mario Kart next time. I was going easy on you since it's your birthday and all."

"You're full of shit, Logan."

Logan punched his shoulder, with just enough force to have Zach rubbing at it afterward. "I'll see you guys in a few weeks. I'm gonna be in Florida for two weeks."

"Say hi to my ex girlfriend for me," Dylan called after Logan. He then mumbled, "hate that crazy bitch."


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