I'm Back

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Clara came back for a week. She flew in and took people's hearts with her.

By people's hearts, I mean, Zach's, Bailey's, Logan's, and Dylan's hearts.

Freddie, of course, had to get permission from everybody's parents on if they could go to an award show. Zach's parents did not care. Neither did Bailey's. Logan's were hesistant and Dylan's mom took a lot of convincing.

She surprised them when she came back. She snuck into her home ec classroom and put a finger over her lips when Hayley saw her.

"And there I was, deep in the wilderness," Zach was saying to some kid. "I was setting up shelter from the rain that was to come. I was by myself. When suddenly-"

"Are you talking about your current boy scout meet again?"

Zach turned around and saw Clara.

"Hey, Clara." He turned back around.

"Wait for it."

"Wait, Clara?!" He spun around.

Zach Immediately engulfed Clara in a hug. "I've missed you so much."

Clara returned the hug and held on tightly. "I've missed you, too. Now, I think I was promised a kiss."

Zach laughed before leaning down to kiss Clara. He moved both hands to the side of her face and kissed her gently. Clara happily kissed him back and put her arms around his neck. She buried one of her hands into his hair and played with it. Zach smiled against her lips and pulled back.

"God, I missed you so much."

Zach and Clara talked the whole entire time. The teacher told them to quiet down, but they wouldn't stop. They were excited to see each other.

When that class ended, Clara ran to Logan who was walking alone. She threw herself onto him and he didn't move. He was big, like a bear. He didn't even budge. Logan picked her up and squeezed her. She thinks she heard her vertebrae pop in four places.

"IS THAT MY FAVORITE CRACKHEAD?!" Dylan yelled from the end of the hallway. Dylan dropped his backpack and sprinted down the hallway. He crashed into Clara and almost knocked her to the ground. She would've if it hadn't been for Logan.

"I'm back, bitch."

Dylan hugged her and wouldn't let go.

"Don't do that again," Dylan scolded her. "If you leave, tell us. You have to pinky promise."

Dylan held out his pinky finger. Clara wrapped her pinky around Dylan's.

"Pinky promise."

The warning bell rang and Clara was glad her class was two classrooms away from where they were. She saw Bailey with his head down, probably sleeping. She dropped down in the desk next to his.

"Whoever you are, go away. I'm not in the mood to tell jokes today."

"Bailey, it's me."

"Now, I'm hearing things. Damn it, I need to sleep more."

"Bailey. It's Clara."

Bailey didn't lift his head. "Tell me something only Clara would know."

"You sleep with a stuffed alligator. You have a little sibling. Your favorite ice cream flavor is Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough."

Bailey looked up. He touched Clara's shoulder.

"You're real. You're here," Bailey said, shocked.

Bailey didn't even hesitate to engulf her in a hug. He put his head into the crook of her neck. She hugged in right back with the same enthusiasm. She had missed him a lot.

When they pulled back, he punched her arm. "Why'd didn't you tell me right off the bat that you were leaving?"

"I didn't want to worry you, Bails."

Bailey sighed. "I still don't forgive you. But I understand where you are coming from. Just promise not to do it again."

Clara looked him directly in the eye. "I promise I won't do it again."

"Good. Now, here's the notes we've been doing. And what suit do you think will look the best when I meet Millie Bobby Brown?"

Clara rolled her eyes. "The black one. It makes you look handsome."

"You think I look handsome?" Bailey wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut your face," Clara joked as she shoved Bailey's shoulder.

"It's good to have you back."

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