New Classes and First Day Back

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"Clara, come on. You gotta get up," Freddie said.

"Just leave me in my misery to die, please."

"You have new classes today."

"Which you can't come along to until you get permission from those teachers," Clara argued.

Freddie just sighed and closed Clara's door. He knew she would be up in a minute. He trusted her.

Clara did get up. She put on a plain blue t-shirt and black jeans. She quickly ran a brush through her hair. She put a bit of mousse in it so it wouldn't be so frizzy. She put on Deadpool socks and slipped on her shoes.

When she got up, Freddie was making him and her a cup of coffee. He had on a white t-shirt with racecar pants. He had on glasses which were fogging up from the coffee steam. 

"Coffee, two sugars, with whipped cream and sprinkles for you, love."

"Thanks, Dad."

Clara sat at the table and drank her coffee and ate a bagel. Freddie was wiping his glasses off with his t-shirt.

"Am I driving you and picking you up today?" Freddie asked.

"Yeah, if you can. It's up to you."

"Then, let's go get in the car. You have fifteen minutes to be there."

Freddie and Clara hopped in the car. They had to switch because Freddie forgot that the driver's seat was on the left hand side. They drove to the school and had to wait in the stupid car line.

"So much for being on time," Freddie grumbled.

As they pulled up after five minutes, Clara got out.

"Bye, I love you," Clara said, no realizing what she said.

"Love yo-" 

Freddie got cut off by the door closing shut.


Clara got her schedule memorized. She had Zoology first, then British Literature, then Home Economics, and finally U.S. History.

She walked into zoology and took a seat by the teacher's desk. Clara's always been a teacher's pet, not meaning to. Teachers love her because she's quiet and she does her work.

Zoology was just an introductory day today, but Clara looked around the classroom. He had animals in this class. There was a leopard gecko named Junior after Bowser Junior, a turtle named Bartholomew, and a bearded dragon named Bertha. The teacher introduced himself as Mr. Hughes.

When he was done going over the syllabus, he asked, "Now, who wants to hold the gecko?"

Clara was the first to raise her hand. She loved lizards and leopard geckos were one of her favorites. They were so cute.

He gently put Junior in Clara's hands. She got to hold him for ten minutes while he talked. He then had to take Junior from her so some other kid got a turn.

British Lit wasn't anything new. She had to do a DGP and the overall things they would read in the class were told to everybody. The room looked cool though. There was an Elvis poster, an Elton John poster, a Colonel Sanders poster, a banjo, a taxidermy fish, and a blow mold angel. 

As much as she loved Freddie, she didn't want to bring him to this class. It was full of seniors with hormones of a twelve-year-old. All they were talking about was sex, prom, and for some reason, sexy pictures of Tigress from Kung Fu Panda and Johnny Test.

(A/N: The reason this is specific is because this is from my experience. Yes, kids actually sent these pictures to each other. They also sent Patrick x Spongebob to each other. They scare me sometimes.)

Home Economics seemed fun. They already were working on a Canva project. One kid came in late.

"Sorry I'm late," the kid said.

Clara's head shot straight up. She knew that voice. She was attracted to that voice.

And then she saw him. Zachary Hill. Her boyfriend.

He smirked when he saw her and took the empty seat at the table. The tables only had two seats at them.

Clara laid her head against the desk.

"Hey, babe."

Clara did not left her head because she wasn't about to let him see her blushing face.

"Aww, someone got stage fright?"

Clara groaned. She lifted her head. She stared at him.

"What are we working on?" Zach asked.

Clara already finished the project and turned it in. She was not about to reveal what she was doing.

"Umm, Canva project."

"Why are you hiding the chromebook then?"

Clara had hugged it to her chest.

"No reason."

"Yeah, okay."

As she went to put it down, Zach took it.

"Are you watching my YouTube?"


Curse her stuttering.

"It's adorable, Clara."

Really, Clara was writing a fanfiction and she wasn't about to reveal it to him so she quickly changed the tab to YouTube and hid the Wattpad tab.

Clara and Zach got back to their work. Clara reached for Zach's hand under the table. She held it and Zach happily held it back. She put their hands on the table as they worked.

They went to lunch after that. Bailey and Logan had all their classes together and sat extremely close to each other but hey, no homo though because they were wearing socks. Logan was wearing rainbow socks, but they were still socks.

Dylan skipped school until lunch. Nuff said.

Clara was not looking forward to history. She had nothing against it, really. She picked up on it easily. She found it boring though and her lack of sleep from fanfic reading/writing didn't help her situation.

The teacher had on a documentary about Jamestown. Clara would've fell asleep if it wasn't for Bailey drawing on her arm to distract him and her.

Bailey's anxiety would hit at random times. Sometimes, he could walk into school and be completely fine. Other times, he was stuck in the bathroom stall because he felt people were judging him or saying things about him. He was terrified anytime someone called him because he feared they were going to tell him that his family members died or his friends were murdered. That's why Clara always let him call first.

No one really noticed Bailey's anxiety if you didn't know him. He just seemed so outgoing and funny.

When he got really nervous, Clara let him draw on her arms. It calmed him and his mind. It distracted him and teachers hated it. He never seemed to write his notes. Bailey would always start to write them, and then he would get distracted and restless. Clara let him borrow her notes always. That's what friends do. Always. 

He was currently drawing stars and planets on Clara's arms.

Clara sat very still and let him do his work. He was biting his lip a lot.

"You got an extra water?"


Clara pulled out a water bottle from her backpack. She was prepared.

When Clara went home that day, Freddie saw the markings on her arms. He never questioned it or got onto her. It was just what teenagers do. They drew designs when they got bored. Freddie asked Clara how her day was and how she liked her classes. She was happy. Very happy. Freddie even made dinner for them that night. He made lasagna and garlic bread to end the day.

All was well. 

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