Chapter 2

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Noel was walking through the village school. Math to Monster Safety was his longest walk; from one side of the school to the other.

Noel hated his school. Just a bunch of fame-zombies who do the same things as everybody else just to fit in. There wasn't even a single weird kid that could be his friend, just him on his own.

Luckily, he didn't get bullied a lot. He really wasn't noticed by people, so they ignore him.

They all ignore him, except three. Dallas, Sophie,and Jake.

Dallas: Run of the mill popular athlete bully

Sophia: Dallas' girlfriend, typical annoying popular girl

Jake: Basically Dallas' goon

And these three have bullied Noel since pre-school. From names on the playground all the way to being full on hit by them.

Noel was glad they never found out he was gay. He didn't know if he'd be still alive by then. Being gay is like being an evil zombie, you're human but like, get out of here. All of this because someone liked the same gender. Wow. Noel never said he was gay out loud, but he of course knew it.

As Noel walked through the halls, he was wary of where the trio were. He walked outside to get to the other building. He walked all the way around the building, hoping to avoid the three.

But when he walked towards and around the corner, he saw them. Dallas making out with Sophia, and Jake beside them, eating an apple.

He quickly turned around and started walking back around the corner.

But then, he heard a terrible noise.

"Hey Elytrian! Get back here." Jake yelled.

Noel stopped in his tracks. He hesitantly turned around to face the pack.

Dallas and Sophia stopped making out. Dallas faced Noel and stepped forward.

"Oh? What do we have here?" Jake walked towards Noel.

Noel didn't move. Suddenly, Dallas grabbed his back pack and threw it around his back to wear it.

"Dallas, give me my backpack." Noel asked calmly.

Noel tried to step forward to retrieve the backpack, when Dallas stepped over to be in front of him.

"Where ya goin', bird?" Dallas asked.

"Move Dallas!" Noel said.



"What are you gonna do, fly at me?" Dallas said, mockingly.

Noel thought that was a good idea. He grabbed onto Dallas' shirt. His wings blew open, and he blasted off.

Dallas was screaming in fear.

Noel flew to the highest point of the school and held Dallas over the edge.

"Give me the backpack." Noel demanded.

Dallas quickly got the backpack from his back and threw it on the roof.

Noel loosened his grip. Dallas yelped in his frighten.

Just then, Noel heard a familiar voice.

"NOEL VOLARE, PUT THAT BOY DOWN!" A woman's voice said.

It was his mom's, who also was the mathematics teacher at the school.

Noel sighed.

His anger left his body and he put Dallas down. Dallas stared at him in disbelief.

He walked over to his Mom. The next thing he knew, he was in the Headmaster's office. He was in the middle chair, Mom on the left, Dad on the right, Headmaster forward.

"Mrs and Mr Volare, we were very hesitant about letting a mutant" ("ugh, mutant" Noel thought) "in our school. We had set very high regulations to accept this. Noel's recent behavior has showed me and the entirety of the school that we cannot have a non-normal child in our school. So we have made the decision to expel Noel from Dirt-Block Educational Faciliy."

Noel felt anger in his body. His dad looked at him disapprovingly. He looked at his mom.

"We understand, Heasmaster Irrumator. We will make sure my son does not go on school property ever again." His Mom said.

Noel looked back forward.

"Can I say something, Mr Irrumator?" He asked.

"What is it Noel?" The Headmaster asked.

"What about Dallas' behavior? He has not only bullied me my entire life, but he was making out with Sophia on school grounds." Noel brought up.

"As I have stated before, I have not seen proof of this. Dallas' behavior does not concern me. What concerns me is that we hav me a dangerous person in our village that has un-natural powers. Also-"

"You know what?!" Noel cut off. "My entire life, I have been dealing with bullying from those three! I've told both my parents, and you, multiple times, yet you do nothing about it. Do you know how many nights I lied in my bed, crying, because of this bullying?! I'm done!" He said.

He blew out his wings again and flew slightly upwards.

He blasted forward. The Headmaster ducked as Noel flew right over him into the window behind him.

He crashed through the window and started flying. He dropped at his house and ran to the basement. He grabbed a sword and ran back out and started flying forward again. To where? He didn't know. He did know one thing, however.

He was running away.

Origins: A Minecraft Mod AdventureDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora