Chapter 3

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chapter 3- hidden in the euphemisms.

"Rosanne, Rosanne!" A distant voice called on as Rosanne waded down the campus, towards the Chariot Library, wearing a black trench coat over her white cashmere sweater and black trousers. Rosanne turned around to find Carlos rushing towards her with a backpack slung over one of his shoulder's, he too had dawned on a dapper looking navy blue coat.

"Look at you, making me run halfway across campus," Carlos said, panting, as though he had been jogging for quite a bit, trying to catch up to her.

"Ah sorry, I had my earphones plugged in," Rosanne apologised. They started to walk towards Chariot, at a leisurely pace.

"What were you listening to?" Carlos questioned casually. "Oh Just RadioHead." Rosanne shrugged.

"A woman of fine taste." Carlos delivers in his best British accent. Rosanne chuckles, "where's Amber and Anton, I knocked at her room, but there was no answer," She says.

"Ah! They are probably with Roman right now." Carlos says. Rosanne wanted to ask more about this guy-Roman, there was so much revelry in their tones for him, she was curious about him.

But her questions about him remained in her mind, as Carlos pulled her down a pathway, telling her he wanted to show her something. "Where are we going man?" She inquired, trying to keep up with his pace.

"I have to show you something," Carlos answered. It appeared they were heading towards a garden, a huge foliage of green with sprinkled colours of flowers that graced tiny corners.

"I don't know, I met you last night, for all I know you're abducting me right now," Rosanne joked.

"Oh you best believe I am abducting you right now," Carlos said, as the reached a lake.

Rosanne took in a breath, It was a stunning scene before her. It looked a lot like what one would think of when thinking of heaven. The morning sunlight reflected the soft ripples of the water, creating a beautiful light together, blending in each other's best bits. Wedges surrounded this lake that formed an almost perfect oval, flowers littered around, as though knowing their part in this play of beauty.

"Carlos, you've outdone yourself." Rosanne said, still distracted by the abundant beauty in front of her. "I know." Carlos said with a smile, looking at her.

"How did you stumble upon this place?" Rosanne asked, noting how no other students or people were present.

"It's just off the road from the boy's hostel, so I walked and walked and reached here, no one really comes here, there are more 'interesting' places to be I guess, but I found it beautiful." Carlos said as he waved around the place.

"It is, perfect place for to just come and sit down in peace and quiet." Rosanne commented.

"Ah," Carlos continued in a whisper, "Also the perfect place murder someone and get rid of the body." Rosanne rolled her eyes, "Yeah sure, Isn't that why you brought me here? I knew it."

Carlos laughed. "Come on, I also want to checkout the Chariot Library." Rosanne said dragging his hand back towards the path from where they came.

"Alright, my lady." Carlos said, following her out.


Later that evening, after a day spent researching whatever Rosanne needed for her new classes, she decided to explore the town of Oxford. Carlos had accompanied her to Chariot Library, but he soon had to leave for London to met his mom, since classes weren't starting until Tuesday for him.

From whatever she could understand-Carlos didn't look very ecstatic to meet his mother. She travelled a lot, accompanying Carlos' father on his business trips, and also on solo trips, never quite settling in one place.

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